Episode 6 - Summer Tides, Chairty Performance

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I wake up the next morning to a tight grip around my waist. I open my eyes and take in my surroundings. Where was I? And then the events of last night surge back to me. Jeremiah and I had made out in the pool. He was my boyfriend. We talked all night and I fell asleep in his strong arms. "Morning." I hear a raspy voice to my right, I look over at Jere and smile. "Good morning." I reply. "Did you sleep well?" He asks me while rubbing one of his eyes. "Mm-hmm best sleep ever" I hum. "Good." He says. "Jere, I better go back into Belly's and I's room before someone notices I slept in your room last night. Even though nothing happened, someone might think otherwise." I say blushing at what could of happened if I let it. "Yeah, sure, T By the way we have the volleyball tournament today." He says. Yeah and today's the day I might lose my siblings for good if I go through with it. "I'll see you later." I say and get up from his bed making my way to the door. I feel his eyes staring into my back so I turn back around and wink at him as I walk out of his room. I make my way into Belly's and I's room and, thank god, Belly was in the shower already so I won't have to answer her billion questions. As I walked to the room I noticed Aaron was up "hey Aaron sleep well?" I asked him he looked over at me than looked away I groaned "Aaron please I understand your upset with me but you have to understand Susannah offered me the solo gig I couldn't say no to her she's like a second mom to me" "I'm mad about that yes but I'm upset and hurt the most at that you did this to your actual brother not your step brother me" he said I sighted another secret Jeremiah doesn't know but at least this one isn't mine to tell. "Look Aaron I know your not my step brother and I hated hurting you and Erin but I promise I can fix this I will" I promise him "it's too late you really hurt me Tristan I used to look up to you but now I wish you weren't my sister I might as well not be your brother since nobody knows we're actual siblings" he said than closed the door to the guest room I sighted I got to fix this but how? I started getting myself ready for the big day I grabbed a brush and began brushing my hair I started humming the words to When you wish upon a star when I was little I used make a wish on a star every night the same wish hoping it would come true can anyone guess what it was? I continued brushing my hair trying to put it in a ponytail but I never been good at ponytails as I continued struggling to put my hair up I heard laughing from behind me I prayed it wasn't Jere I turned around and it was just Belly wrapped in a towel "oh morning Bells" "morning T need some help?" She asked I giggled "yes please you know I can't do hair or makeup" I say "I'm sure if Jeremiah was the one too walk in here you would of said no thanks I can do it" she said I glared at her but she wasn't wrong I would say that "I just ran into him in the hallway and he had a smile plastered on his face any idea why?" She asked I started blushing "well it's Jeremiah he smiles all the time and maybe something big happened last night" she gasped "WHAT HAPPENED EXPLAIN GIRL?" She yelled I giggled "I'll tell you when Taylor's here just do my hair" I say "it must of been big because he would not stop smiling even when Steven was yelling at me for leaving hair on the shower wall he didn't even laugh" she said tying my hair in a really nice ponytail I just kept my mouth shut but I felt a small blush form on my cheeks. I was now in the kitchen eating breakfast before having to leave. After Belly finally did my hair and kept trying to ask what happened last night I finally put the shirt I was going to wear on but I wanted to keep it a secret so I put a Team Belly shirt on top to hide it. "Hey, princess." Jere says coming into the kitchen. "Hi, Jere." I smile. "What are you eating?" He asks me curiously. "Breakfast." I laugh. "What does it look like I'm eating?" "Oh come on, don't be a smarty pants T I was just asking." He says pouting. "You're cute, Jere, you know I was just teasing you." I say smiling at him who's leaning on the table infront of me. "I know." He smiles, coming down and sitting next to me. "Hey, can I have your milk that's left after you've eaten your cereal?" He asks me. "Yeah, sure." I say giving him the bowl. "What is it with you and your weird obsession with drinking everyone's left over milk? You got to stop it" I tease him. "It's good and I'll stop if you finally tell me what your doing today" He just replies taking my bowl and drinking the milk "nice try but not happening" I whisper into his ear his ears turn a little pink. "Hey, guys!" Belly says coming into the kitchen with a knowing smile. "Hey, Bells." Jere replies happy. "Ok what's gotten you so happy more than usual?" She laughs looking at him. "Nothing." He says and then looks at me smiling. I blush and look away. "Okay...T are you ready for today?" She asks me. She doesn't know what's happening today but knows I'm going to support her."Mm-hmm." I hum looking at her. "All right, good. This surprise your doing better raise a lot of money" She says determined. "Don't worry it will." I say. All of a sudden the doorbell rings. That must be Taylor, she was coming over for the weekend to watch the tournament. "I'll go get it!" Belly says running out of the kitchen excitedly. I sigh and put my head on Jere's shoulder all of a sudden feeling really tired and nervous. "Hey, are you okay?" He asks me taking my hand "yeah just tired it took me a long time to fall asleep last night" I say looking at him he smirked at me "you know they say when you can't sleep someone is thinking about you" he said bringing our tangled hands up to his mouth and kissed my hand "who would think about me for an entire night?" I asked "The world may never know" Conrad said I looked at him when did he get here? I glared at him playfully. "Hey, guys!" Taylor says coming in to the kitchen with Belly behind her. "Hi, Taylor." I say greeting her. "Wow, you guys look cozy and more lovely dovey than usual." She teases and Belly hits her shoulder. "What?" She asks confused. Belly just gives her a look and then smiles at Jere and I. "Taylor, let's go up to my room so you can put your things there." Belly says. "Hey, I'll come too." I say standing up I kissed Jere on the cheek than I walk up to our shared room and Taylor puts her stuff down. "Okay, T, I know what I just saw in the kitchen. Did something happen between Jeremy and you?" Taylor asks me with a look. "Um..." I say sheepishly not sure where to start."Oh my god, Taylor. Tristan, please tell us!" Belly says looking at me. "Ok, ok last night Jeremiah and I made out in the pool, he became my boyfriend, and we almost had sex last night" I say. "T, you lucky bitch!" Taylor shrieks and I just laugh. "Wait did you say you two almost had sex why almost?" Belly asked "I wasn't ready yet and he respected that so we just cuddled and I fell asleep in his arms" I say smiling to myself both girls shrieked again. Suddenly there was a knock on the door and walked in Natasha at least she still loves me "are you guys ready? Laurel gonna take us over." She says. "Yep." I smile. "Oh can I drive?" Belly asks excitedly. "Uh, no." Laurel says and we all laugh guess it's time for the big surprise. I had to talk to Susannah I had to fix this mess I was in if I wanted any kind of relationship with my siblings "give me a minute guys ok I have to do something fast" "hurry up T we can't be late" Belly said I nodded and ran over to Susannah "um Susannah can I change something about the performance?" I asked her "of course honey but I thought you wanted this to be the introduction to your big career choice?" She asked "it still will be but I also want it to be the launch of a new band I been part of for months now" I say really hope this works "I think I know what your doing sweetheart and I been hoping you would do something about it, consider it done" she said I smiled and hugged her tightly "thank you Susannah you might of hopefully got me my siblings back" I tell her than run back over to Jeremiah's Jeep showtime.
I stood near the field with a very judgy look, staring at the scene before me unbelievable "whatcha looking at?" Belly asked as she walked to stand beside me "why is she talking to steven while shayla is right there?" I rolled my eyes Taylor just never quits "sneaky little bitch" I scoffed. Belly also crossed her arms with a 'hmm.' "I don't know. good question." she squinted her eyes. Shayla said something to steven before kissing him and walking off after Susannah gave some sort of speech, and revealed the big surprise that was happening after the game which was about to start. I noticed Belly beginning to get a little nervous "Bells.." I turned to her. "you're gonna do great. so go out there and kick some ass." she smiled at me "uh, not literally though. you'd be disqualified for that." I whispered awkwardly. "Thanks, T." She chuckled. "I'm gonna go talk to Conrad." "ooh." I teased her. "Stop." Belly said flatly, walking away. I started getting some butterflies in my stomach as well but once my eyes locked with a boy with beautiful blue eyes I felt the nerves just melt away. I smiled at him, Jeremiah making a heart with his hands and holding it up to his chest. I laughed, blowing a kiss his way, the boy pretending to catch it and put it in his pocket. I giggled, but than my smile quite literally turned upside down when Jeremiah turned his attention to the short girl that just came up beside him. I huffed and decided to walk over to the two. I know I had nothing to be jealous about, but Taylor needed to know that Jere was completely off limits "looking good, Jeremy." the chirpy brunette said. Jeremiah chuckled, "what's up, Taylor?" I walked up to Jere and planted one big kiss on his cheek "hi" I say his cheeks were a little pink "hey" he said taking my hand in his and tangling our fingers together. Taylor's eyes widened. "oh.." she trailed. "I see what's going on. you two are cute." she smiled, walking away."Jealous much?" Jeremiah grinned, turning him and amelia to face each other. "Says the boy who almost ruined our friendship because he was convinced another guy was in love with me when I already told you he was in love with another girl in our group" I say "oh" he says looking around "so.. it wouldn't matter if I got.." he trailed, looking around for a person. "her number?" he pointed to a random blonde "nope." I shook my head with a small smile "alright" he shrugged, turning to walk away. he only got a few feet before I grabbed his arm, yanking him back towards me."Thought you didn't care-" I put both hands on his cheeks, pulling his face down to meet mine as they locked lips. It only lasted a few seconds, but that was more than enough. When we pulled apart, I flicked his forehead. "of course I'll care things aren't going well for my friends love life and when I told him about you he convinced me once we got together to not let anything get in our way" I say he smiles and kisses my nose lightly. Jeremiah smiled at me "you're cute, when your jealous, you know that?" I rolled my eyes with a smile, "so I've been told." I pecked his lips before skipping away to find my two little sisters.Belly and Taylor had been playing fairly good for a while. Me and Jere cheered on the two from the sidelines his arms wrapped around my front and I was leaning against his chest.While trying to hit the ball, Taylor fell down, injuring her ankle this is exactly why I don't play sports."Can you sub, please?" she asked me, I aggressively shook my head. I couldn't it was almost time for the big reveal."I can." Conrad ran onto the pit, grabbing the shirt from Taylor and hopping in the game. "your foots not even hurt, it is?" I asked the girl once she made her way to the sidelines. "nope." she said, popping the p. "but if it helps Belly and her love life, so be it." she shrugged, walking away us."I still don't like her. but you gotta admit, she's a pretty good friend to Belly." I admit. Conrad and Belly had won the tournament against their first opponents and now we're going against Steven and Shayla.Both teams were doing great, but by the looks of it, Belly and Conrad were gonna win. Steven seemed to be getting very tired. Belly hit the ball, Steven missing it, causing Belly and Conrad to win the match. he picked her up, spinning her around. I smiled as I watched the two "they would be so cute." Jeremiah had his eyes on me as he responded. "yeah, they would." I turned to him, still smiling, "okay, I'm gonna go say congrats to Belly. Than go to the bathroom see you later?" "yeah. see you later." he smiled, kissing my cheek I walked away from him and took a deep breath showtime. I actually did go to bathroom to change into my dress I been dying to wear it all summer so this is the best time to wear it and a pink bandana.

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