Episode 3- Summer Nights Part 1

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Today is Belly's Sweet 16 I know hers is going to be way better than mine I spend my sweet 16 in the hospital long story and hate talking about it also my birthday is in the fall so I don't get to swim on my birthday but today is all about Belly a...

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Today is Belly's Sweet 16 I know hers is going to be way better than mine I spend my sweet 16 in the hospital long story and hate talking about it also my birthday is in the fall so I don't get to swim on my birthday but today is all about Belly and hopefully Conrad decides to not be a jerk to her at least for today. I got out of bed and looked over to Belly's bed she was still sound asleep good she needs energy for today I tipped toed out of the room and went downstairs to help get ready for her birthday breakfast. As I was flipping Belly's birthday Mickey Mouse pancakes Jeremiah had his arms wrapped tightly around my waist and had his chin resting on my shoulder and Steven was leaning on the counter beside me. "Golden brown and crisp." Steven nodded as he hovered over the mickey mouse shaped pancakes. "That's how it's supposed to look." "I know that Steven." I said while laughing. "Now stop breathing on me." I said to Jeremiah who's hot breath was making my neck tingle a little bit. "How's it going over there?" Susannah us "Good." The three of us replied in unison with smiles. "Look at these pancakes." Laurel snuck up from behind me, smiling at the mickey mouse pancakes. This year, for some reason, felt different. "It's ready." Steven nodded."Morning, everyone." We turned our heads to see Belly smiling in front of us. She was wearing a floral dress with almost every color. "Hey!"We all cheered, all eyes on Belly. I tried to get Jeremiah to let go of me but he wouldn't budge. "Happy birthday." we all started laughing as Belly hugged Susannah first. "There's the birthday girl, looking like a vision in floral." Susannah chirped, enveloping Belly in a visibly tight hug that lasted for seconds before the dark-haired girl moved ove to Jeremiah and me. "Happy sweet 16, Bells." Jeremiah muttered in her ear. "Now Belly Button's getting old finally. Happy birthday." Steven said as she took a bite of bacon. Happy birthday, Bells.We're finally the same age again." I tease her and hug her tightly she chuckles and smiles at me. "Thanks everyone." Belly laughed as her mother pulled her in for a hug. "Happy birthday, sweetheart." Laurel hugged her daughter tightly as Belly smiled. "Thanks, Mom." "Your Mickey Mouse pancakes are ready." Laurel commented, but Belly looked around at everyone nervously. "Buttered by the professional." Jeremiah snickered, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. But Belly said she wasn't hungry our smiles dropped, Belly never passed down her birthday pancakes, no matter what. "Oh." Laurel pursed her lips dissapointedly. "I actually want to change up my birthday this year" she said my eyes widened that's news to me and judging by everyone's faces they were just as shocked even Conrad looked surprised "ok what do you want to do?" Laurel asked Belly smiled "I want to share my birthday with Tristan because her sweet 16 was rotten" she said I gasped that was the last thing I was excepting "are you series Bells?" I asked she nodded "yes you deserve a great sweet 16 too" she said I felt tears forming in my eyes she's the best friend ever I ran over to her and hugged her tightly. "Shall we open gifts?" Susannah suggested, "Oh, you're gonna love mine." Jeremiah reached for his gift, holding it up with excitement. I rolled my eyes and smirked at him "Not as much as mine." Belly laughed before looking down at Conrad, who was seeming to pay no attention at all to Belly, or anyone for that matter. Her smile fell as she watched him give no interest, but when I looked at her, she smiled, I wrapped an arm around her shoulders and moved her into the living room. They all joined in the loving room, Conrad sitting in the chair behind Jeremiah and me , we were both on the ground well he was I was sitting in his lap he didn't give much me of a chose but I didn't mind one bit. Steven was sitting next to Susannah and Laurel, while Belly had the seat in the front. Belly opened her first gift from Laurel, a book from E.E. Cummings. "It's a first edition. I got it from a rare book dealer." "Thanks, Mom." Belly didn't look to thrilled to get a book of poems, I don't blame her books at good but not as birthday gifts, but when Laurel explained the value, she quickly smiled. "Turn to the bookmarked page. It's your favorite poem." Laurel explained, turning to look at Susannah. "Oh, yeah." Belly remembered, smiling. "I remember Susannah teaching us to recite this." Belly laughed. "For whatever we lose..." Belly began reciting the poem marked in the book, everyone slowly beginning to join in on it. "Like a you or a me it's always ourselves we find in the sea." Remembering that has really helped me with memorizing lyrics for songs during glee club performances I felt Jere's grip on my waist tighten a little sending a shiver down my spine. "Thank you. I love it." "Your welcome." Laurel smiled. Next, Susannah handed both me and Belly a small box wrapped in tissue paper. "Okay, open mine now, Belly, and Tristan since it's your birthday too now" Belly took the box, slowly opening it to see a pearl necklace neatly put in a small black velvet box. "Oh, wow. They're gorgeous. Thank you, Susannah." Belly looked up at Susannah in awe before Susannah took the pearls out of the box and held them tightly. "My mom gave me these pearls for my sweet 16." Everyone smiled as Susannah helped Belly put the necklace on. "Radiant, isn't she?" Susannah questioned while sitting back by Laurel. "They look great on you, sweetheart." Laurel complemented. "Now Tristan open yours" Belly said I nodded and opened it inside was a pearl bracelet "oh wow it's beautiful thank you Susannah" I said she smiled and gave me a hug. "Oh, I'm next." Jeremiah quickly very gently lifted me off his lap extending his arm out for Belly to grab his gift. "Here." Belly laughed before thanking him. As she opened it, she smiled. "It's a good-luck charm to help you pass your driving test." Belly's smile remained while hooking the charm onto her many bracelets. "She shook it torwards Jeremiah, showing him his gift. "Perfect. Thank you." "I will give you your gift when we're alone" he whispered in my ear pulling me back onto his lap I felt shivers go down my spine. I leaned forward, handing Belly her gift I smiled as Belly opened the box. Her jaw dropped when she revealed a snow globe with the Cousins house inside of it. "I figured since you sometimes get sad about leaving Cousins, you could have something with you always to remind you of this place." I said before Belly got up and gave me a giant hug . Jeremiah chuckled in confusion. "Where- did you even find that?" "I- um made it" I said everybody's faces looked shocked and surprised "oh stop looking at me like that it was a art project for school a few fails in between but finally I accomplished that and got a 95 on it too" I said "thanks T I love it I'll treasure it always" Belly said I smiled at her so happy she loves it "I told you mine was better" I whispered in Jere's ear he rolled his eyes and nuzzled his face into my neck which kind of tickled. Suddenly Steven yelled, "Think fast, Belly." Steven all of the sudden tossed his gift at the dark-haired girl with a mischievious smile. She quickly caught it with a confused look. When Belly opened it, she smiled to see a sweater with the word, Princeton on it. "Wow, Steven, I can't believe you actually spent money on me." Belly gushed with a fake pout face. "Relax. I just didn't want you stealing mine next year when I get in." He stated confidently. "I didn't know you were still considering Princeton." Laurel brought up. "You know, I-I think I'm gonna apply for some scholarships, and Dad thinks I can get some financial aid. I-I don't know. I'll see if I get in." "Okay. Um..." "Conrad, uh, do you want to give Belly your present?" Susannah stopped the soon-to-be lecture that was coming from Laurel, trailing her eyes over to her oldest son. But when he looked around nervously, I could tell right away something was wrong. "Sorry, I forgot." Belly's smile all of a sudden fell, looking around nervously as it seemed to be really embarrassing for her. I gave Conrad a cold glare, which he didn't see. he never forgets Belly's birthday, why he was acting so different. "How could you forget?" I looked back down at my lap when Jeremiah shook his head at me reaching to grab my hand."Uh, that's... that's cool. Um... I wasn't really expecting anything anyway, so..." I looked at Jeremiah with a worried glance before Conrad excused himself for whatever reason that was more important than Belly's birthday. Something was definitely up with him and I'm going to figure out what it is by the time summer was over. "Hey. Why don't we take my car and practice driving before we have to pick up Taylor from the bus station." Jeremiah quickly jumped in, knowing she needed a distraction once again being perfect. "Sure." Belly nodded, smiling softly. Jeremiah and Belly both got up, I smiled up at them. "Come on, princess." Jeremiah extended his hand out to me I giggled and grabbed his hand as he pulled me off the ground he than tangled our fingers together. "Great now I'm going to be a third wheel and going to die." Jeremiah laughed and tightened his grip on my hand "you a third wheel never Belly's the third wheel plus if I'm going to die I want you with me." "Hey um actually I want to call Taylor real quick to see where she is" Belly said "no problem there's something I want to do anyway" Jeremiah said than looked over at me "could we go to my bedroom I really can't wait another second to give you your birthday gift" he said I felt my heart rate speed up this present is so special he wants to give it to me in private what could it possibly be? "Sure I have to go to the bathroom first and I'll meet you there" I said he nodded and smiled at me Belly smirked at us and I glared at her than quickly walked up the stairs I suddenly have to pee really badly. After finishing my bathroom situation I checked myself in the mirror one more time why was I nervous me and Jeremiah spend hours alone in his room plenty of times but for some reason this feels different I took a deep breath and left the room I walked over to Jeremiah's room shook my nerves out and entered his room I saw him sitting on the bed holding a box in his hand it looked like a ring box but it couldn't be? I cleared my throat and he looked at me smiling big "hey" "hey come over here Belly's probably going to call us down very soon" he said I nodded and walked over to his bed I sat beside him and he scooted closer to me "I have practiced what I would say to you before giving you this but now I don't know what to say first" he said I giggled he was so cute when he was nervous. "Jere just the thought of you even buying me anything is wonderful and the fact that your nervous about giving it me tells me that it's something amazing" I said he nodded his head and handed me the box I took a deep breath and opened the box I gasped inside was a beautiful heart shaped locket it was gold and written in red on the front was a J+T=forever "Jere- I don't know what to say?" "Wait open it first" he said sitting extremely close to me now how did I not notice that? I very gently flicked the tiny clip open and I gasped once again inside the locket was a picture of me and Jeremiah with our arms around each other and on the other side it said in big letters NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS BEST FRIENDS FOREVER. I felt tears forming in my eyes this was without a doubt the best gift any friend has ever given me "ok now you can say something" he said putting his hand on my knee "Jeremiah Fisher this is the prettiest, cutest, sweetest and the best gift anyone has ever given me nothing I say could ever tell you what this locket means to me, I'll treasure it always" I said he smiled and grabbed my hands in his "may I put it on you?" He asked I giggled and nodded he took the locket in his hands and I turned around I suddenly felt the cold chain on my neck but I didn't shiver it actually felt good on my neck like it belonged there than I felt Jeremiah's hands on my neck that made me shiver than he planted a kiss on my neck I sighted loudly than turned back around our faces were really close just a few more inches and we would be kissing Jere put a hand on my face "it looks beautiful on you just like I thought it would your even more beautiful now" he said I smiled than it was like I wasn't thinking and leaned in I felt him leaning in too was this the moment finally? This was it I could feel his lips coming closer to him in just a few seconds I will be kissing my crush than suddenly a voice screamed from downstairs "COME ON GUYS TIME FOR MY DRIVING LESSON TAYLOR'S BUS IS JUST 20 MINUTES AWAY" Belly yelled I have never hated her more than at that moment we were so close "we should go" I said standing up from the bed Jere grabbed my hand "wait I can't just ignore what almost happened and neither can you" he said I sighted "Jere we can talk about it later ok right now you have a driving lesson to give" I said he sighted but nodded and stood up still holding my hand I leaned up and pecked his nose "that'll do for now" I said he smiled and together walked out of his room with our hands intertwined. I sat in the back seat of Jeremiah's jeep with Belly in the driver's seat and Jeremiah in the passanger. Belly was holding the wheel in a scared manner, while Jeremiah and I were smiling at her. "Okay, slow and steady. You're doing great." Jeremiah monitored her every move. "Tristan your next" he said turning his head around to look at me I quickly shook my head "what are you talking about? You know I'm not allowed to drive cause of my health problems" I gave him a pouting face, pretending to be hurt by his words, but he wasn't entirely wrong, I did tell him that maybe some day he could try and teach me to drive. Belly was smirking from her seat behind the wheel, I think she could tell she interrupted a moment between us. "Just keep going straight, okay?" The curly-haired boy laughed at me before turning his attention back to Belly so they didn't risk crashing under his supervision, "You excited to see Taylor?" Jeremiah questioned, causing me to let an annoyed sigh it wasn't that I hated Taylor she was just always teasing me and flirted with Jeremiah every chance she got it was very annoying. "Yeah, uh, of course. So excited." I raised one brow at her response before scoffing."You sure?" I frowned leaning forward to be in the front with them. "Look, she's my best friend in the world, besides you and Jeremiah but, um, I mean, you know how Taylor is." Belly smiled. "She's like a hurricane." "Oh, yeah, yeah. Hurrican Taylor." Jeremiah chuckled. I snorted a laugh, causing Jeremiah and Belly both to turn towards me. "Try bigger Taylor reminds me of a lot of mean girls at my old school ." I said aggravatedly, which earned small laughs from the two. "And I guess I always feel like the suporting character around her, which, normally, I don't mind." Belly shrugged, not wanting to sound selfish. "But it's your birthday, and you're the main character, Belly, not her." Jeremiah comforted Belly, earning a sigh from me. "I get that I was like that back home with my friends I just kept to myself and never said a word" I said making Belly to look in the mirror at me and smile. "Yeah. Thanks,T I would never do that to you by the way." Belly smiled. Jeremiah looked over his shoulder noticing the upset look on my face, causing him to turn to me. "What's wrong?" He questioned. "I remember her telling me I looked ugly when I FaceTimed Belly from the hospital almost like she hated that Belly has other friends if she says or does anything today I swear I will-" "stay with me and not say or do anything" Jeremiah said I sighted than smiled Jeremiah and Belly will protect and defend me but I wish I was brave enough to stand up for myself I did once at my old school it felt great. All of the sudden, Belly lost hold of the wheel, causing the car to swerve over slightly, earning an exhale from Jeremiah. "Jeez, Bells." I rubbed the back of my head after it connected with the window. "You make my dad's driving look good and he was high." I said with a motherly tone before sighing. "Whoops." She shrugged it off before turning back to the road. "Bells? We're gonna need a part two to this driving lesson, okay?" Jeremiah suggested, earning a chuckle from me. "And part three and part four." Belly laughed. "Maybe five six, seven, eight, nine and finally ten." I shrugged before we broke out in a fit of laughter. We finally gotten to the bus station safetly, as I stood in between Jeremiah and Belly watching the bus get slower I felt my hand being taken by another I could tell it was Jere's hand and that made me smile. "Twenty bucks she calls you "Jeremy" again." Belly joked with Jeremiah and now my smile is gone. "You know she just says it cause she knows he hates it and so do I" I say Jere tightened his grip on my hand knowing I was getting mad. "I don't... I think she learned from last time." Jeremiah shrugged, "You think? That's how she flirts with you." I rolled my eyes, "Here she comes." Jeremiah smiled, observing the huge bundle of balloons, already knowing who it was. I let go of his hand and forced a smile onto my face here comes the witch. As soon as Taylor stepped foot off of the bus, she let out an excited gasp, her eyes connecting to Belly's. "Oh, my God. Oh, my God." "Happy birthday." Taylor complimented. "Thank you." Belly smiled at her lifelong best friend, looking up at the huge balloons. "Belly, you little tart." Taylor smirked at Belly, oh god I was annoyed already. "What?" Belly asked cluelessly. "You finally took my advice. This outfit is snatched." I once again rolled my eyes Jere wrapped his arms around my shoulders and leaned closer to him calming down a bit. "Oh, my God, Taylor." Belly spoke with an uncontrolled laugh while her best friend eyed Belly's laugh. "Isn't Belly looking like a snack?" Taylor then moved her attention to Jeremiah and me, I just nodded my head not saying anything Jeremiah didn't say anything either, he tightened his grip on my shoulders and kissed my cheek. Than Jeremiah reached forward. "Oh, uh, here, let me get your bag." Jeremiah offered. "Thank you. You're such a gentleman, Jeremy." I once again rolled my eyes "hey T, don't think I forgot about you did you your looking very stylish too" Taylor said I smiled again this time a real one that was actually nice "thanks Taylor I missed you too and it's Jeremiah not Jeremy" I said and giving her a quick hug. "I like Jeremy better." She replies smiling. "Uh should we head home?" Jere asks us. "Ooh, actually can we make a stop first?" Taylor asks us. "Mm-hmm." We're sitting down at some tables outside sharing a banana split, Belly and Taylor sitting on one side, and Jere and I sitting on the other. The wind is blowing my hair and the whipped cream tastes absolutely delicious. This day is perfect. "Wow." Jere says he offered to get an ice tea and he's sharing with me. "Mmm, I live." Taylor says sighing from eating the ice cream. "I would literally eat this everyday if I could." "Me too." Belly and I add. I scoop up some more whipped cream on my finger and put it in my mouth than Jere puts some on his finger and touches my nose getting whipped cream on my nose "Jere!" I yell nudging him in the chest. "Wow, even with whipped cream on your nose your beautiful" he says I blush and than smirk at him "I'm getting you back" I said and dipped my finger in the whipped cream again "Nuh uh." He says grabbing my finger "don't waste perfect whipped cream on me" and he turned my hand and my finger went into my mouth instead I groaned and reached for the ice tea but he pushed it away I pouted. "You got to say the magic word." He demands looking at me. His stare is way too intimidating so I look away. "Please, can I have a drink all that cream made me thirsty" I ask sweetly looking back at him. He pushed the cup towards me but not before dipping his finger into it and splashing my nose with it. "Oh my god, Jeremiah!" I say laughing wiping the cold drink off my nose, than we both leaned down and took a drink while grinning at each other. "It's like we're not even here." Taylor says to Belly. "Oh believe me. It's like this every day it's like their a married couple." Belly adds. "Wow, okay you two pay attention." She says looking at Jere and I. "What?" "Open your presents." Taylor says taking out two small bags from her own bag and handing one each to Belly and I, I gave her a confused look and she just smirked at me guess Belly must of told her she's sharing her birthday with me this year. She looks excitedly at us in anticipation when waiting for us to open the bags. I look down and open it feeling Jeremiah peaking over my shoulder. Inside I find a light purple hat. I look over and see what Belly got and she got a bikini in dark purple. Jeremiah chuckles. "I think they'll look so hot on you both. Do you like it?" She asks us. "Okay Belly would never wear that but Tristan would definitely wear that hat" He laughs. "Jere." I say. "Actually, I really like it." Belly says looking at Taylor. "Me too, it's super cute. Thank you Taylor." I say feeling good that I actually got a present from her at all. "You're welcome." She responds. "Okay, so, what's the plan for tonight? Where's the party?" She questions. "Well, Susannah always plans a big lobster dinner." Belly says. "Boring, no. It's your guys' 16th birthday/redo 16th birthday. We have to go out." She pleads. "No, no, no. These dinners are really, really fun." Belly says looking at her. "And Susannah had the idea to make it Midsommar themed, so she got flower crowns especially made for us and everything." She says excitedly. "Don't you think you should be spending your birthday with people your own age?" She asks. "I am. You're here." Belly says. "Hello? Are we invisible?" Jere says offended I giggle and pat his arm "And I guess Steven." Taylor says. "And Cam's coming, too." Belly comments. "Yay, I'm so excited to meet the guy who finally got you to take your eyes off of you-know-who." Taylor says excitedly. "Taylor." Belly says giving her a look. "What?" She says. "Trust me Taylor Cam is very cute and Belly completely forgets about you-know-who when he's around" I tease Taylor laughs and Belly glares at me. "I have an idea. We can go to Nicole's big blowout at her place tonight. Maybe go after dinner?" Jere suggests. "Yes. Who's Nicole though?" Taylor questions. "She's Belly's big sister for the deb ball." I say "Mm-hmm. She's super nice and just really cool and fun and..." Belly rambles. "Ugh, I'm, like melting right now. Can we go back to the house? I wanna change into my bikini and jump in the pool." Taylor asks changing the topic. She definitely sounded jealous about not being the centre of attention. "Sure." Jere says. "I call shotgun!" Taylor shouts. "Sorry but that seat is already taken by Tristan come on." Jere says nudging me which brings a smile to my face. We all head to the car and Jere opens the door for me "ma-lady" he says I giggle "why thank you" I say and blush getting into the car.

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