569 Bidding Farewell Once More

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Jing Yi smiled wryly when he thought of that. Right, there probably weren't many people in the Yun Zou Sect who didn't know. After all, Qiu Ling had asked him to marry him in front of all those who attended the Gathering of Practitioners which ... had been about half the sect. And after that, he hadn't been very subtle with trying to woo him either.

He could probably call himself lucky because they had left the Yun Zou Sect after just a short while. Otherwise, there really wouldn't have been anyone left that didn't know about them.

Well ... Jing Yi rubbed his cheek, feeling a bit awkward. Come to think of it, soon enough, everyone would know about this. After all, when they returned after this one year outside, they would indeed be engaged. And knowing Qiu Ling, there was no way he would keep quiet about this engagement or at least not loudly announce it to everyone. Yes, he should probably get used to the idea of everyone knowing about them.

Jing Yi sighed to himself and pushed the thought off for the time being. Anyway, there still was some time left. He would certainly be able to come to terms with it.

Instead of needlessly worrying about it, he brought Qiu Ling to the room where Leng Jin Yu was staying. Knocking on the door, he called out lightly. "Senior martial brother Yu, I am back. Qiu Ling actually woke up. I came to thank you. Without your help ..."

Inside the room, Leng Jin Yu opened his eyes, an uneasy expression flashing in his eyes. He hadn't run into any problems interacting with the other dragons before but he wasn't quite sure what would happen if he opened this door and stood in front of the dragon king.

His first impression of this man wasn't necessarily a good one. While he didn't know him well, he felt like he wasn't cautious enough, was a bit unreasonable, and even though he knew that the dragon king had been warned, he couldn't help but worry that he would let something slip when he saw his face.

Leng Jin Yu lightly cleared his throat. He couldn't evade the dragon king forever but he at least didn't want to meet him with the Son of Heaven's reincarnation right next to him. It would be better they met alone first just in case so he could explain the situation.

He couldn't just ignore those two though. Thus, while he did not open the door, he still responded from inside. Anyway, recognizing him just from his voice should be more difficult. "That is good to hear. In that case, I will leave for the sect today."

"Ah? Already?" Jing Yi was a little taken aback. He would have thought that Yu Jin would at least stay to take a look at Qiu Ling to make sure he was really alright but that didn't seem to be the case.

Qiu Ling frowned. His thoughts were going in a completely different direction. Why was his Jing He so disappointed that this guy would leave today? It couldn't be that he wanted him to stay behind, could it? This wasn't good!

He leveled a stare at the door but, naturally, that wouldn't make his love rival appear. He gritted his teeth and hugged Jing Yi a little closer. He'd make sure this guy would really leave! If he refused to, then he'd make him disappear!

Jing Yi took one look at Qiu Ling's face and suppressed a sigh. It really wasn't difficult to guess what was going on in his head. In this case, it might be better if senior martial brother Yu left sooner. He could still thank him later when they arrived at the Yun Zou Sect again. Maybe by then, this big jar of vinegar next to him would have calmed down a bit. "Well, if it's like that, then please take care on your way back, senior martial brother Yu."


There was no further answer and Jing Yi finally turned around, tugged at Qiu Ling's hand, and then went back into the house.

"Alright. We've thanked him." Qiu Ling hugged Jing Yi to his chest once more. "Now, let's start cultivating. We need to make sure you reach that whatever stage as soon as possible!"

There was an ambitious light in his eyes that made Jing Yi smile. It was as if Qiu Ling didn't have any other goals than marrying him.

Indeed. Marrying Jing He had been Qiu Ling's only goal for a long time already. Thus, he was especially eager to have Jing Yi advance in his cultivation now that he had already gotten his promise that they would marry when they returned to the sect.

Jing Yi turned in Qiu Ling's arms, his smile becoming brighter. "Mn, actually, I've made some progress after we separated last time. I'm able to sense the spiritual energy better now, take it in, and I've even managed to use it once." He still couldn't do it consistently but considering that he hadn't had Qiu Ling's help for this anymore, he felt that it was pretty good.

"Great!" Qiu Ling hugged him closer, his eyes curving into crescents. "Then, what should we start with?"

"I'm not sure. I think I should just continue with that. After all, you get to a higher level by taking in more energy, right?"

"Alright! It's decided!" Qiu Ling let go of him, spun Jing Yi around, and grabbed his hands with sparkling eyes. "I'll take you to all the places that could help."

"Are you sure that that is a good idea? The last time ..."

"Ah, don't worry! I didn't pay enough attention the last time. This time will be different." Qiu Ling smiled and then pulled Jing Yi with him. "Let's go tell mother-in-law. After that, we'll travel through the whole mortal realm until you've reached that stage. And then, we'll directly return to the sect."


Jing Yi agreed without hesitation and after a quick goodbye with Madam Zhong, the two of them once again started their travels to further Jing Yi's cultivation.

They never could have foreseen that in another part of the human realm things were happening that would cut their plan short once again. Though it would take a while for the effects of these happenings to reach them and thus, Jing Yi indeed made good progress in the months he traveled with Qiu Ling.

Oh. My. Fate?! (BL, Volume 3, Part 2)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin