Once she finished, he seemed to be in a deep thought.

"Well Jk was definitely in the wrong" he spoke up as Ah yi keenly looked at him, waiting for him to continue.

But Ah yi i also know he didn't mean it.

What do you mean?

"It's his defense mechanism.He doesn't let anybody close to him you know, it took me months to get close to him because he is afraid. I am not saying what he did was right but from what you told me, he truly regrets it so try to forgive him. He is a good man."

She sighed. I Don't know....

The man smiled at the younger. "You like him don't you?"


"You can't lie to me Ah yi i know you alright....i also know that you are running away from your feelings but Don't Ah yi. You deserve love too and i trust Jungkook. "

But i-

Just give him a chance.

Ah yi nodded before looking at the time. "It's getting late, i should leave."

She stood up before hugging the older man again.

"I love you Ah yi, always remember that" he said as Ah yi smiled.

"I love you too Jinnie"

What is going on?!

Both of them flinched breaking the hug looking at the place where a very shocked Jungkook stood before looking back at eachother.

Well shit.


"It was safe to say that Jungkook had missed a major part of the conversation because the only thing he heard when he arrived was-

I love you Ah yi.

I love you too Jinnie.

And let's say his heart dropped at the statement and he definitely misunderstood the statement which brings us to back to the present.

Well shit.

"Jung-kook" Ah yi stammered nervously, her brain coming with a best excuse but at this point even she knew that it was beyond saving.

Her secret was out now.

"What's going on here?" Jungkook asked looking between Jin and Ah yi who sweated in nervousness.

I well-

"What's going on here Ahn jong?" He asked as both Jin and Ah yi's eyes popped out of their sockets.

What did you call me?

"I know you are Ahn jong and now answer my question.  Are you and Jin Hyung dating?"

Jungkook's heart broke at the question. "What if they were really dating? Would he have to back out? Would he have to give up on Ah yi for his Hyung. He didn't know. "

No! What the fuck,why would i date my sister?! Jin yelled passing him a disgusted look as Jungkook's eyes widened, relief flooding over him but wait-


Ah yi sighed massaging her temple? She had lot of explaining to do and her hangover wasn't helping.

It was going to be a long day.


"You guys are cousins?" Jungkook asked in utter disbelief as both of them nodded.

"Hence the overwhelming confidence. Everything adds up now" Jungkook thought to himself looking at their features which now oddly seemed familiar.

"This is too much to take in" he sighed as Ah yi just seemed to zone out.

How did you end up with him?

"Well now that you know my real identity, there is nothing to hide. After my parents death, Jin's parents, his eomma who is my eomma's elder sister adopted me. "

"You see my eomma was kicked out of her family for marrying my appa" Jin was the one to continue. "Only Ah yi's eomma, my aunt kept connections with her. We were in Australia when we heard the news and instantly took her in. We changed her name and everything so that nobody could find her."

"Wait you lived in Australia Jin Hyung but still can't speak English but Ah yi can?: Jungkook said as Jin glared at him making Ah yi chuckle.

"By the way how did you know i was Ahn Jong?" Ah yi asked as Jungkook looked at her while sighing.

"I saw your childhood photo yesterday" he told her as she groaned at her stupidity.

"Well you always were always hellbent on finding me so congratulations she let out a humorless laugh. You finally have an evidence."

"That's not it"he cut her off. That's not the only reason why i was so keen on finding you.


"We knew eachother before the incident Ah yi. You were my only friend back then. I guess you don't remember since you were really young but trust me we knew eachother."

"Woah what a drama" Jin commented in the back totally amused as Ah yi chose to ignore him, her eyes widening in realisation.

"Wait you are the boy with the bowl cut.  The banana milk boy."

Well bingo.

Author's note

So did you expect it to be Jin? If you read back to chapter 11 their i dropped a hint and one of you even commented on that dialogue saying Jin.

Also i have been trying to update frequently since i want to complete this book before November.

Happy reading.

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