Chapter Fifteen ~ Invasion of the Occupied Palace

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"It must be prince Fukaboshi" the seahorse merman said, and the snail rang again.

"Should we pick it up?" Usopp wondered but before they could think about it further Zoro decided to pick up the receiver.

"Hello? Who is it?" he asked.

"Don't pick it up!" Usopp yelled at him, then the captives started yelling for help before Zoro told them to shut up.

"It's me Fukaboshi, what is going on in there? Lower the gate now and let us in" Fukaboshi demanded.

"And then what? I can't do that" Zoro said.

"Hey! What are you saying? Just be honest and tell him!" Usopp told him.

"Yeah guys, tie me and Camie up too, they'll think we're your accomplices" Pappagu said.

"Zoro-chin's scary" Camie fretted, the soldiers yelled for help again but then Nicole told them to shut up.

"Are you a member of the Straw Hats?" Fukaboshi asked.

"Fukaboshi! That's the Three-Sword Style swordsman of the Straw Hats, "Pirate Hunter" Zori!" Neptune yelled so it was heard through the receiver.

"It's Zoro!" he corrected.

"Father, you have father too!" Fukaboshi said in realization.

"Like you just heard we have Neptune and many other hostages, if you don't want me to kill them prepare for us to set sail, we need our ship Sunny with a fresh coating on, we don't know where it is so go find it on your own and we need the rest of our crew, a gloomy woman, a robot, a racoon and a dirty water imp" Zoro demanded.

"And Zoro, one billion berries in cash" Nami added on.

"No, you stop!" Usopp yelled at her.

""Dirty water imp" .... That's funny! Can't stop laughing" Brook laughed.

"Stop laughing you fool!" Usopp yelled at him.

"You're so sexy when you make demands" Nicole said flirting with Zoro, leaning on him as she drew a circle on his shoulder with her finger.

"And you! Stop flirting!" Usopp yelled at her.

"I understand your conditions, i'll make an arrangement for you to leave this country immediately with all of your friends, however i want all the hostages back alive!" Fukaboshi said.

"That's fine" Zoro said and went to hang up before Fukaboshi spoke up once more.

"There is one more thing, Zoro-kun, i wouldn't normally tell you this under the circumstances but i can't ignore my duty to Jimbei" the prince said.

"What is it?" Zoro asked.

"This is from the former warlord "First Son of the Sea" Jimbei to Straw Hat Luffy, he left two messages for me to give you when you arrived" Fukaboshi said.

"Luffy said that he became friends with Jimbei" Usopp mentioned.

"Ah, he was in the newspaper with Luffy-san" Brook said.

"Although he's a pirate, he's a big figure that people on the island trust" Camie said.

Zoro turned to Nicole "You know the most about the warlords" he said.

Nicole nodded "Yeah, even my father seemed to respect Jimbei whenever he talked about him" she said.

Zoro nodded, more to himself and turned to the receiver "Luffy is not here but i'll tell him later, go ahead" he said.

"First, he says to not fight against Hordy, second he'll be waiting at the Sea Forest, that's all" Fukaboshi said and Zoro put the receiver down.

"The Sea Forest? Hordy?" Zoro wondered outloud.

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