Chapter One ~ Character Info

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== Personal ==
Name: Dracule Nicole

Name Meaning: N/A

Nicknames: Nikki

Alias: She Wolf

Titles: None

Family: Dracule "Hawkeye" Mihawk (father, living) Kiyomi Shimotsuki (mother, deceased)

Friends: The Strawhats

Personality: She's very guarded and very much her fathers daughter at first but once she gets comfortable around people or that they show that they earn respect she starts to open up, she's very set in her ways and so is stubborn, she's also very logical even after opening up and very in control of her emotions, she rarely lashes out in anger, she's also very honest and straightforward it can come off as rude and she sees that but she doesn't care and that's just how she is.

Likes: the sunset, swords, fighting, the snow, swimming, warmth, trying new things

Dislikes: the cold, crowds

Habits: staring off into space

Fears: losing her father

Talents: Singing

Hobbies: star gazing

== Vital Statistics ==
Species: Human

Status: Alive

Gender: Cis Female

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Age: 20

Height: 178cm

Birthday: June 24th

Blood Type: F CS positive

== Appearance ==
Skin Color: A very light tan

Hair Color: Black with a blueish tint

Eye Color: yellow

Overall Appearance: pic

Scars: none

Piercings?: an ear piercing

Tattoos?: The Kozumi clan mark on her thigh

== Other ==
Affiliation: Straw Hat Pirates

Occupation: Lookout, Swordsman, Pirate, crew combatant

Haki: Observation Haki -presence sensing, emotion sensing, strength sensing and future vision.
Armament Haki - Hardening, imbuement, emission and internal destruction

Devil Fruit: Mythical Zoan, Zodiac-Zodiac no mi model: Dog

Weapons: Shodai Kitetsu (top one) Chimamire Kiba (bottom one)
First Kitetsu Bloody Fang

Weapons: Shodai Kitetsu (top one) Chimamire Kiba (bottom one)First Kitetsu Bloody Fang

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== Extra ==

-she wears her mothers hair pin all the time now

== Crush ==
Name of Crush: Roronoa Zoro

Relationship with Crush: They first met in a random island in the East Blue, Nicole had been staying at the island for sometime after having set off on her own, when suddenly Zoro burst into the inn she had been staying in and asking about rumors of yellow eyes, the inn keeper pointed her out and Zoro challenged her to a dual thinking she was her father, she defeated him and left the island with Zoro after she got to know him and the rest as they say is history.

Book Two: You're my Treasure Too (Zoro X OC)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant