Chapter Two ~ Once again at Sabaody Archipelago

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"Finally, i made it" Nicole sighed looking at the small bar on top of the hill, the sign on top of the door read Shakky's Rip-Off Bar.

"Well then, i might as well pop in to say hello" she smiled to herself and made the treck uphill, the saloon style doors of the bar swung open as she stepped in.

"Welcome, you're the second one" Shakky said taking a puff of smoke greeting her with a smile.

"I kinda expected that, who was the first?" Nicole asked striding up to the counter and taking a seat for the time being.

"You'll never believe it" Shakky paused to exhale smoke "It was Roronoa" she said.

"NO WAY!" Nicole gasped, Shakky nodded with a small hum and a smile.

Nicole smiled a bit too "That's good, someone must have lead him here or he may have been lost forever" she chuckled a bit, then the bar doors swung open again as Rayleigh stepped in.

"Ah, Nicole you're looking like quite the refined lady" he said taking a seat at the bar.

Nicole giggled a bit "Why thank you, but now that you're here i can say i've dropped in to say hello, i'd like to go find my boyfriend now, we have a lot to catch up on" she said giving the old man a pat on the shoulder as she got off the chair.

"Well good luck finding him, god knows where he's gotten himself lost this time" Rayleigh said chuckling lightly.

Nicole smirked turning at the doors "I don't need luck, i have my nose" she tapped her nose before leaving the two to ponder what she meant.


Zoro had been bar hopping in town looking to pick his favorite to frequent for the meanwhile as he waited for everyone else to arrive.

Currently he was in one bar closer to the edge of the main city drinking at the counter, the drinks were good, the bar was quiet and the bartender didn't ask him pointless questions.

He smiled a bit before pounding back another beer, he just might start coming here regularly, then suddenly a woman draped herself over him, he stiffened up, he hadn't even sensed her.

"I still blame you" the woman said, Zoro turned to yell at the woman what the hell she meant when he froze in shock.

"Nicole?" he asked, his voice nearly a whisper.

Nicole smiled at him "I was just kidding you know" she said.

"Nicole" Zoro repeated more firmly, then grinned before pulling her into his lap and planting a big wet and hungry kiss on her lips.

Nicole was startled a bit at first but then just chuckled a bit and returned the kiss her hands going into his hair as his wrapped around her waist.

Zoro pulled back and laid his head on her chest as Nicole gave the bartended a sheepish smile.

"I missed you so fucking much" he said planting tender kisses against her bare flesh that made her spine tingle.

"I missed you too" Nicole smiled stroking his hair, then suddenly Zoro stood up and held her in bridal style, he slammed some money on the counter and asked the barkeep.

"Where's the nearest place you can rent a room in?" Nicole flushed in surprise "Someone's eager" she commented.

"It's been two years, don't tell me you aren't?" Zoro asked turning to look down at her in his arms.

Nicole smiled and kissed his jawline "I am" she simply replied.

The barkeep smirked a bit and gave directions to the nearest hotel, Zoro thanked the barkeep before leaving with Nicole making sure he followed the directions.

Book Two: You're my Treasure Too (Zoro X OC)Where stories live. Discover now