Closet Confession

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I was a mess. I had refused to answer any of Tommy's calls or texts. I became a hermit that weekend, well that was until someone had to disturb me Sunday afternoon. I slowly made my way downstairs not caring if they waited forever.

"What?" My voice full of annoyance.

"You forgot, didn't you?" Samuel was standing in my doorway.

"The competition, give me five minutes." I ran upstairs splashing water in my face and hurrying to brush my teeth. I grabbed some clothes changing fast I tossed on some shorts and a tank top giving the fact that we'd be in the blistering sun. Running downstairs I grabbed my bag and followed Samuel out the door to his beat-up jeep. Poor thing took a lot of hits in its day...Samuel managed to salvage it from a junk shop.

"You don't have to come if you're not feeling up to being human today," Samuel told me, unlocking the door for me.

"WHAT? Are you kidding me, zombie mode is off. I can totally do human today." I laughed.

"Jinx you're not very good at being human any other day so what makes today any different?" He laughed.

"What? I resent that and anyways I'm a one-woman cheering section for the greatest skater in this town." I gushed.

"Okay okay, no need to inflate my ego." The competition was across town so that gave me plenty of time for Samuel to fill me in on what was going to happen.

" going to tell me what's up with you?" I think that's why I liked Samuel so much, he could see when I was hurting and he didn't blow it off. He was a good guy who was there to lend a shoulder to cry on...not that I would cry in front of him.

"It's complicated and besides you should be focusing on the competition, not me." I laughed, turning my attention to the radio.

"Is it Tommy?" I looked at him, my face reddening.

"Look anything you say stays between us. I know how hard it is to be yourself with the friends we have." He nudged my shoulder.

"I wasn't lying when I said it's complicated. Everything was going good and then his older brother, Patrick showed up." Samuel listened to every word I said. I told him about my father and what he had done to my mother and I. I told him about how Patrick and I got close and when I couldn't talk when the tears would take over he pulled me against him telling me everything would be okay. It was a relief finally telling someone.

"Jinx you know I'm here for you no matter what, even if you just want to get away from that house. As for your love triangle"

"It's not a love triangle, it's not even love." I all but shouted. I didn't believe in love didn't exist.

"Okay okay don't bite my head off. I'm just saying I'm here for you whenever." He smiled as we pulled into the parking lot. I didn't know what to expect at this competition but one thing was for sure I wasn't expecting this many people. Samuel had a tight grip on my wrist as we pushed our way to the sign-up desk.

"Name?" A heavy set man with tattoos covering a good portion of his arms asked.

"Samuel Winter's," Sam said smiling at me as he moved me closer to him while people pushed there way passed us.

"Here's your number, have your girl put it on you. Good luck." Sam took his number and pulled me along with him.

"Come on babe, help me get ready" I couldn't help but laugh as Sam winked at me.

"Stay right here and I'll come to get you after the competition." He said.

I pulled him into a hug, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Good luck Sam, you got this" He smiled.

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