-Maybe everyone doesn't listen to you because you are just a small child.

-The brain has no age.

She turned around and her eyes shone brightly when she spotted Thanos still asleep on the bed and she started clapping excitedly.

-A baby!

Haures's protective instincts kicked in right away and he lifted Johanna up before she had a chance to make two steps.

-Yes and you are staying far away because if you wake that baby up I am going to be mad.

-I am not scared. So what is it? A boy or a girl? It looks so peaceful so it must be a girl. And such a white complexion,are you sure it is alive? Maybe you should put me down so I can go check. Is it yours? No of course not,you are too grumpy,what woman would have you? And you don't even look alike anyway. Did you find it on the street? Om some basket?

Haures was listening dumbfounded at her rambling while Paimon was laughing so hard he had landed on a nearby armchair, holding his stomach from the laughter. Eve seemed to try to hide her smile but it was obvious that if she could,she would laugh just as hard as Paimon. Johanna didn't stop talking until Haures put her down but still blocked her way to the bed.

-You didn't tell us why you are hiding.

Johanna turned to Paimon who had asked her and she immediately lost her smile and a look of fear appeared on her face,not sure if she could trust these strangers but eventually she decided to take the risk.

-Haures is after me.

That sentence got everyone's attention and Eve hugged her, trying to reassure her fears.

-Why is he after you?

-He fears that I will reveal his secret.

Eve casted a look at Haures standing besides her but his eyes didn't show any indication of understanding what Johanna was referring to,so Eve turned back to the small child who was nuzzling in her chest

-Which secret,dear?

-I am not allowed to say but it was something I did for him and he wants to pretend it never happened

-He regretted it?

-No he just wants to present a different version of how it happened. I can't tell more.And now he is chasing me because he doesn't trust me and wants to erase my memory and send me home and I don't wanna go.

Eve knew she couldn't ask for more because it would seem suspicious but her eyes spotted Haures talking to Paimon secretly and quietly and that confirmed her suspicions that they were hiding something from her.

-When are we,Paimon?

-I am not sure. I didn't exactly calculate the date

-Well,maybe you should have because I have a fairly good suspicion about the time of our arrival and if I am correct,our mission has become ten times more dangerous.

At that time someone started banging at the door violently and demanded they open it. It was not clear how the guards knew someone was in the room but they must have heard their voices as they walked outside the room. Eventually they broke it down and bursted inside the room.Surprisingly,they paid little attention to the three unknown persons inside the room and just moved to grab Johanna who was now hiding behind Eve.

-Johanna,our lord and master has commanded you to obey him and you have refused to submit to his will. Now we must force you to do it using violence.

But as he moved towards her,he found Eve blocking his way. The guard looked at her stunned as if he was seeing her for the first time

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