No-one answered and the officer took it as a sign of their defeat and smiled broadly. He felt that victory was near.

-Of course not. Because it is not even a story. It is a fairytale! Now,just for the sake of comparison,let's hear a more realistic version of the same event.You had installed a bombing mechanism inside the plane and you activated it while hiding in the forest.After that you were planning on escaping via the highway and arrive in your hideout in Paris and then leave the country.

-Where is the bomb?

-Excuse me?

-The bomb you accused us of placing inside the plane. Was it found? Or at least fragments of it?

-Not yet but I'm sure it won't be long until they find it amongst the debris.

-Did you check my apartment? I gave you the address. Was anything discovered there? Any evidence? The only crime was the fabulous design.

-The search in your hideout is not yet complete and for your information,Your ''amazing design'' has been out of fashion for at least 5 years.

Eve wanted to continue to argue with the man. His ignorance and false self-confidence were quite amusing. But Anthony interrupted her with a far more important question.

-How is Angelica?

-Your friend is being treated by our best doctors and her condition is stable. Her fever is still high but at least it's not going up. Once she recovers she will be joining you in prison,don't you worry.

-What is wrong with her?

-To tell you the truth,even the doctors don't know the answer to that question. They haven't managed to find a single infection that would justify the fever. Her toxicological tests are clean and none of her exams revealed anything. The medical professionals haven't seen anything like this before.

Anthony seemed angry at his response and was ready to shout at him but then the door opened and another officer came inside the room. After he whispered something to his colleague,their interrogator sighed frustrated.

-It seems, ma'am,you have friends in high places. You are free to go.

-What? How?

Anthony could believe what he was hearing. They were being held there for hours,being questioned and threatened and now suddenly they would just walk out of the front door? He turned to ask Eve but she was just as shocked

-You can thank your lawyer for that.

-Lawyer? What lawyer?

At that moment a tall man wearing a suit entered the room and smiled fondly at Eve.

-Eve,hi. How are you? All tied up,I see.

He laughed loudly at his own joke while Eve put her face in her palms and sighed, embarrassed.

-Why the long face,Eve? Arent you glad to see me?

Paimon had been trying to get Eve to talk to him ever since they left the police station. Luckily for them,they were already in Paris so Paimon offered them a lift to her apartment. Both her and Anthony were concerned for Angelica and would like to visit her at the hospital but they couldn't disclose her location to Paimon. So they silently accepted his request. It was a long and awkward ride and Paimon was starting to get irritated because of Eve's hostility. He had saved her from certain imprisonment and she wasnt even showing any signs of gratitude.

Not to mention the fact that he was putting himself in peril's way just for her. If Haures were to find out about his little "interference" he would be in big trouble. After Haures had waken up from his coma ,Paimon tried to hide Eve's deal with the Dark Queen but to no avail. Haures started suspecting something was wrong and pressured him about it. Paimon didnt want to stress his brother in his condition so he confessed everything.

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