• Chapter 11 • Crystal hearts •

Începe de la început

He wouldn't be so elated without Magnus...

That moment was a turning point, only there, during his despair, Alec was conscious that Magnus was the one preventing his heart from shattering and freezing... He didn't want to lose him.
He loved him.

-Magnus! -His yells loudly echoed, made his lungs and throat hurt, his chest shake. -Magnus wait for me!

Burning flames almost took Magnus away from him, he wouldn't let freezing crystals do the same and for the first time, he didn't think the situation twice, he just ran to that wall that appeared to be a torturing screen and his body hit hard against it, trasspassing the thick crystal, breaking it as he would break a mirror, painful scratches tearing his clothes and skin, crystals piercing every inch.

The archer didn't care, he had never protected his heart, it was time to do it.


Being so used to watch herself in the mirror, so used to her own reflection maybe wasn't the best.
Inside that cave, Isabelle could see her blurry and dark figure showing on the crystals, but never her clear face or body.
It didn't matter how hard she tried, how much she approached, the edges of the figure became harder to distinguish, as if she was vanishing, as if she was loosing herself.

The girl let out desperate screams, punched her head, closed her eyes until they hurted, went to her knees and felt tears streaming down her face, which she touched in order to make sure she wasn't fading as the reflections.

Not hot tears, but as cold as ice, as her body fell to the freezed floor.
She had no strength, it seemed heavier to breath, as if she was inhaled those crystal particles that floated around her and her lungs couldn't stand it.

Why was she fading? Why she couldn't find a way out? Why was she alone?

-Somebody... I... I need somebody... Please... -A faint and cracked murmur, her eyes almost closing.

Until then, until she saw that.

Big dark eyes, long lashes, a dense mass of raven hair, red lips...
Her refleccion on the ground.

Maybe she was hallucinating, but her fingers tried to touch it, yet, the solid floor turned into liquid, her fingers created waves as happened when rain drops touched water.

Before she could react, water devoured her body.


Jace bumped the crystal wall over and over, his knuckles red, as well as Clary's...
She was right on the other side, punching the wall as well.
Both shouting, both of their voices soundless.
They screamed for each other, desperation in their faces, gesturing in a way they couldn't understand.
So close and yet so far, no way to reach the other part of the cave.

Jace saw Clary almost vanishing, but her curls, like fire, that intense orange impossible to overlook, were the only thing the golden boy needed to take out his stele.
If that place wanted to play, they would play.

-Do not mess with me or my girlfriend...

That mutter full of hatred followed a fire rune that the boy traced on the wall.
Firm edges, clear form, gold and orange coming from it, shining brighter than those blue, purple and pink reflections.

Not only the crystal wall started to melt, but also exploded with a thunderous sound, burning flames, crystalized ashes creating a dense cloud from which Clary came finally into Jace's arms.

Did that cave really thought that its mass of crystals could beat the burning flames of love? Did it really thought that Jace and Clary could be fooled?

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