-Where are they? Oh the Queen isnt going to be pleased. She had gathered the entire council for her guests which i can not find. I could have seen them and not recognised them. The only description she gave me was:"search for the ones that seem to not belong here". Very precise

Suddenly his eyes spotted a group of four people. Two men ,one small girl and a woman. They were standing against a wall deep in thought as well. And a four-class was with them.And some three-classes not too far from them. Wait,what?? What was a four-class doing so close to third-classes? She could get infected and change classes becoming a third class herself. He regained his composure and rided with calm,ease and pride to the group of strangers

-Greetings,young strangers. You seem a bit lost. Am i correct to assume you are searching for something?" He was trying to be as polite as he could. If the Queen has demanded their presences they must be very important

-I am sure you would not tell us even if we asked you to, The little girl said dissapointed

-Well,im sure that the Queen would be happy to tell you

The little girl seemed to need some playfulness to cheer her up.

"The Queen?"said all four in union

-Yes,im here to escort you to the palace. Sorry for the inconvenience,we weren't expecting you so soon. If you please,follow me

Anthony was about to answer bitterly to the rider but Anna shushed him and make him promise he would behave in front of the Queen. He reluctantly agreed. Raphael was excited but Angelica seemed a little scared. Anna was more nervous than anything

After all they were about to meet the Queen,the ultimate ruler of all the universes

The palace was smaller one would expect. It didnt have gardens planted with rare kind of plants or many side buildings. It was just the palace. The inside was beautifully decorated with ceilings made from carved marble with delicate designs,a feast for the eyes indeed while on the walls were hanging portraits. The peculiar thing was the absence of wealth-demonstration. No gold,no jewels. The beauty of the palace was its elegance. And its location. The palace was bathed in light which brought out the brightness of the marble while the the portraits,due do their simple but beautifully crafted wooden frames,were maintaining their aura of respect,untouched by the present,as if these they never left the past. This place was unlike anything they had ever seen on Earth.

Such beauty deserved the utmost respect so Anna,Angelica,Anthony and Raphael kept walking silently,feasting their senses on this miracle. No one wanted to break this silence. The only thing that was heard was the sound of their footsteps on the cold marble. This silence seemed to make this place more beautiful than it already was.

But all good things must end. The messenger who had accompanied them there started giving them directions as to what to do and not do

-Normally,i would take you to change your clothes with more formal attires but if the Queen were to find out the meeting was delayed due to protocol she would get upset. So we are heading to the throne room as we speak. Your behaviour should be simple yet respectful. A quick bow at the beginning will suffice. Also dont inturupt the council constantly but say a few things so as not to appear ignorant or desperate. The council has 7 members. The Queen,her four sisters(two sitting at each side) Andromeda,Mary,Erika,Fotini along with Paela and June,two of the highest officers. I will give you one piece of advice. Don't inturupt Mary or June. Paela is very patient by character so you will not have a problem. We are here.

The group had arrived in front of a giant wooden door. This had a different design of the rest of the palace. The calmness was gone. It was replaced with fear.

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