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Inside the trap Steele had set.

We see our hero's cages up surrounded by fire. With a maze. Things look pretty grim. The walls looked like stone like they were in some kind of dungeon. Our Hero's. Our ghost hunters now sit in the cage.

"Well we fucked up. Sorry everyone" said Eli

"Look it's not your fault. We didn't know what they were planning. Look we can't win them all" said Hailey

"Yeah. Don't beat yourself up Eli. We can't win them all. As said before. But listen. We just come back stronger" said Selena

"Listen as we sit here it's a time we can plan for the final attack or the next one" said Eli jr

"It'll be the last battle. Hopefully forever" said Eli.

"That's the spirit" said Hailey

"Ok so we trapped here for a while any ideas" asked Eli

Steele, Lisa, and Maddy come check on their prisoners

"Well.. you won't win" said Steele

"Bitches think they will win. Bitch. They can't even escape" said Maddy

"Look. You'll be locked up until we win and just destroy the world. Well haunt the world" said Lisa

"Lisa what happened. You were never this mean" said Selena

"Well you see. I can switch it on and off. Steele is instant. Can just be a trigger word or action whatever. Maddy is just always like this for the most part" said Lisa

"That's right bitch" said Maddy

"She right. The trigger/action changes over time. But I can be good from time to time. Plus my powers needed time to develop again since coming back" said Steele

"Well we still prisoners so you can go" said Selena

"Well you wit win. We planned for everything so good luck" said Steele

Steele, Lisa, and Maddy leave laughing.

"Well. Now what" asked Eli jr

"You see. The only thing to do now is kind of find a way out" said Hailey

"Well that is true but remember we are surrounded by fire. The bars on this cell are burning hot" said Ei

"You think that stops us" asked Selena

"Well remember we don't have much clothes left to escape by holding onto the bars" said Eli

"Right. Umm. Here's an idea. We need to blown Steele up" said Ei jr

"Wait. Did you say blow up" asked Hailey

"Yes. We blow that mother fucker up and it should be the end of him. Didn't it work the first time" asked Eli jr

"I mean in a way yes it did. Actually it did work but at the cost of a few of our friends. Our brothers" said Eli

"Yes. It was terrible" said Hailey

"I'm not taking about blowing up with a bomb or gasoline. I'm talking fireworks" said Eli jr

"How the fuck we gonna strap a ghost to a firework" asked Selena

"We will figure that shit out when we get there. But it's a way to end Steele" said Ei jr

"What about Lisa and Maddy" asked Eli

"Well they really aren't that bad of a threat. So they can move on" said Eli jr

"I guess. We gonna do that. Now for the matter of escaping" said Hailey

At that moment a light appeared in the cage.

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