Strawberries Are Not The Only Fruit

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Today, she regretted everything she did, but especially, all that she didn't do.

"Are you sure this is the right way, Miss ?"

Jennie's mind halted. The driver, a middle aged man with salt and pepper hair, had asked her a question. She had been far too preoccupied with her thoughts to notice him.

She hummed in approval, as the Koreans usually did. It would have been funny- if it hadn't been for everything else- the way she was able to simply slip into a role. Today, she had regained a mask she thought she had buried deep within her.

As the huge SUV struggled to make it through the narrow passages of Seoul's backstreets, filled with stray cats and strict ajummas carrying their groceries, Jennie was mentally preparing herself, once again, to do something she never thought she would have the courage to do.

This is the last time - she kept repeating, like a mantra she was more than used to saying.

The tires slid on the marble by the entry, and, with her eyes closed, she almost did not realize she had reached her destination.

But when someone opened her door and a hand, covered in a black leather glove, popped up to help her step down, she understood that she could not be any place else.

Her stilettos tapped against the stainless floors in an insecure manner. For a moment, she wondered if the receptionist, who was staring mouth agape at her, could notice her fear or if she would buy into her act, like everyone else had always done.

Her eyes caught a glimpse of the waiting area, and her stomach clenched at sight of where she had met her for the first time.

But since she had never been one for pleasantries, she went straight to the elevator and simply announced what floor she was directed to.
She waited, staring right in front of her as the door closed and up she went.

Her mind was racing as she counted each floor mentally. The concierge had not seemed to have recognized her, as he simply stood still, his gaze in front of him in a professional manner. If not for the profound bow he reserved for her at the arrival, she would have almost believed him.

What a stupid idea to think that her visit would be unannounced. What an unsurprising twist of events.

Now, only a door stood between her and the rest of her life. With her hands shaking, she took one deep breath before walking down the hallway.

At her sight, his secretary stood up, looking, if anything, astonished. But Jennie had already had enough of the stares and the bows and had quickly made her way to the secretary's desk.

"I'd like a word with the chairman"

"He is in Japan on a business trip, Miss" the girl answered, careful to not meet Jennie's gaze at any given moment during the brief, yet stressful, exchange.

"I am aware" Jennie answered calmly as her lips curved up into somewhat of a mocking smile "I'm talking about my ex-fiancée"

At that, the girl paled. She hurriedly bowed, once again at Jennie's distaste, before vanishing behind the eight-foot-tall emerald door.

Left alone to wait, Jennie could not help but chuckle a little to herself. Part of her could not believe what she was about to do, the other was simply laughing at the distasteful golden plated finishes her eyes met wherever they landed.

Riding the feeling of euphoria, she stepped inside her father's office to be met with none other than-

"Jennie" he simply stated, getting up from his chair and towards her, a charming smile on his lips.

"To what do I owe the pleasure?" Standing face to face, Jennie's chest suddenly felt heavy. "Don't tell me you missed me?"

Jongin looked different from the last time they had seen each other. He looked more like his own person. Less like one of her father's minions, that is.  Plus, long hair seemed to suit him well, if the look she caught the young secretary shooting at him was of any indication.

Yet, she could not care less for his physical appearance. Once again, what she was about to do had nothing to do with him. It never did.

"After what I am about to tell you, you are going to be the one telling me that" she replied, her face as professional as if she was about to close on a business transaction.

"And what would that be?" His eyes narrowed, unable to hide his curiosity.

Come to think of it, she actually was.

"Marry me"

"I won't do that"


"I'm gay"

There was a long pause. Jennie did not dare to meet his father's eyes. She kept her own on the bowl of candies in front of her.

"Don't say non sense." He finally spoke "There's no such thing as gay. You're just confused. I told your mother it was a mistake sending you to study abroad."

That, was enough for her eyes to shoot up and towards her dad, along with her frustration.

"I'm not... confused, Appa" she managed to say, struggling to let such a word out of her mouth.

He let out a high sigh. That was when Jennie realized that he was not disappointed or - wishful thinking - disgusted at her.
He was annoyed.

He hated that she was turning down his plan. One she was sure he had thought down to the smallest detail. Too bad he had not considered the most important one: her.

"Then what are you, Jennie-ah?"

The question caught her off guard.

What was she?

A daughter? From the way her stomach twisted every time she was in the proximity of her father, she did not think that would be the most appropriate title for herself.

A girlfriend? Her mind traveled to Lisa's eyes, trying to hide the pain, as she let go of her hand on the side walk.

Was she actually gay? Was she really able to love someone, let that be a woman or a man?

Most importantly, could that someone ever love someone like her?

"I-" Jennie's voice caught in her throat. As her brain was fogged by endless possibilities of what to say, she chose none.

"Exactly" that's all her father said.

Somehow, that was enough.

"Sign that paper and you won't need to think about it anymore." He added as he took his pen from the pocket of his jacket and laid it in front of her.

"You probably don't understand it now. But I'm doing it for you" he leaned a hand on her shoulder. She shivered.

Picking up the pen, she noticed how heavy it laid on her hand, as any expensive pen usually did, yet it felt, for a mere moment, as it carried more than just its weight.

Her eyes went to scan the clause in fine print at the end of the contract.

"Every right above mentioned will be acquired by Miss Kim under the sole condition that she is wed at the moment she acquires the company."

Her hand trembled, partly from the weight of the pen, partly from the hesitation.

She held her breath as the tip of the pen left an ink stain next to the place for her signature.

Her own name had never looked more foreign to her.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jun 18 ⏰

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