mom dad!?

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Kaito pov
I walk to the hokage office the second hokage is there "Uchiha what do you want" he said I walk towards him and fix his outfit "can I style your hair up" I said he tsk and knock me away "no my hair is off limits" he said mom is at home resting with the clan and I can't touch his hair and dad went on a mission I start tearing up "b-but" I said I might look like a brat but I have a thing with styling hair he sigh "fine just this once" he said I smile and get to work as he do paperwork then the doors open "brother I brought you food" the first said then see me styling his hair showing him in a mirror what he will look like with long hair he sighs "your good Uchiha with good taste who are your parents" he said I smile "my momma is Naruto uzumaki-uchiha and my dad is Madara Uchiha" I said shocking them "prove it kid" they said "dad is on a mission momma is at home resting the triplets are straining him" I said then tobirama pick me up and carry me to the clan house I kick trying to get free "let me go" I said I'm thrown next to momma making everyone worry mom glare at him "momma" I said and cuddle mom he smile and hold me I squeak as tobirama pick me up "okay I respect only two uchihas" tobirama said I gasp happy "congratulations to those uchihas" I said mom giggles I get out of tobirama hold and tend to mom dad walk in ignoring tobirama and sit by my on the bed and hand him a gift "happy anniversary" dad said mom smile I drop a present on dad lap "mom asked me to get this for you cause the clan didn't want him to get off the bed" I said dad chuckle "what did I say about love" dad said "not to cause you don't care about presents because you have me and the kids and that's all" mom said pouting dad kiss my cheek "good" dad said and rub mom stomach I leave dragging tobirama and the first still need to learn his name out the room the other Uchihas watch scared of tobirama I let the two go and talk skipping to the kitchen they follow tobirama dodging trying not to touch the uchihas I roll my eyes "you better at least give handshakes if not I will beat you up if hokage or not" I said threatening he didn't dad walk out holding mom I grab a pan and hit tobirama right in the head shocking the clan even mom and dad and tobirama he spit blood out on to the floor "I respect your kid Madara" tobirama said shocking everyone even his brother I shrug "okay so now go give handshakes out" I said and clean up and make everyone a snack uncle walk in "the favorite uncle his here" uncle yell I walk to uncle and stuff his mouth with a brownie making him laugh and eat it "just like your mother" uncle said I nod then do it to tobirama glaring at him if he doesn't eat it uncle hug dad and mom they hug back tobirama crouch down and let me style his hair again and trim his hair where his hair will grow faster with the dead ends are off I put his hair in a ponytail and smile tobirama praise me I laugh then my team knock on the door I open the door allowing them in I walk to my room and gear up I walk downstairs as they are bowing to tobirama "okay guys his the hokage so what come on" I said making them shock but did as told "controlling much" one of my teammates said "rose shut up" max said scared I ignore them and keep walking they follow quickly sensei is on a mission but we don't care as we train as uncle watch with tobirama and his brother uncle is probably going to tell dad everything I do I dodge a punch from rose I turn to her and smile "for a clanless ninja your strong good" I said and train her with punches max join to train I point to a tree "punch that tree with a chakra seeing how you are using it" I said max and rose do both medium I nod I do the same but my hand went in to the tree I remove it and clean my hand and put my hand on the tree pushing chakra in it making the tree good as new "so what's clan are you in max" rose said "Hyuga clan but weak cause I don't get trained like I'm supposed to do" max said I keep my calm "let's give the Hyuga clan a visit" rose said "bad rose bad" I said rose went to attack me max look worry I kick rose back hands in my pocket glaring "rose inuzuka I'm not scared of beating you up" I said scaring rose but she hide it and get up and pout "that reminds me where is the pup" I said "rise is sleeping I left her at home" rose said I nod then max wolf walk over with a scroll we read it together "rose get rise max go gear up no" I yell they do as told I close my eyes and animals walk around me but rise scared them away except A fox and a crow I walk to rose she unseal weapons our weapons we share I do the same I may or may not of stolen mine rose and max look at mine laughing "dude your really good at that" max said I shrug they got want they will have strap on them I have a katana on both of my sides max have two on his back then rose have a huge sword on her back we seal up the rest and run with our animals companion piss cause sensei gotten taken dad left mom with the first as him and tobirama follow watching us I pull my katanas out and run at the enemies as the other two do their own things for to fight I went up in black smoke and went around the enemies and when I appear the bodies explode in to tiny bits and clean my hands and smile and keep one alive pushing him against the wall "where is our sensei" I said max and rose behind me glaring "o-over t-there" the enemy said I do the sign to check for max as rose watch the enemy as I search if anyone is here max walk over carrying sensei we smile then I chop the enemy head off and clean the weapons and walk back to the village talking and laughing then tobirama land arms crossed "you three are skilled when pissed do you guys want training by any sensei's" tobirama said "no" I said "me and Max need the training kaito is skilled more then us" rose said I smile "I watch you guys train tho we do need to keep training on teamwork" I said they smile we walk off to go heal sensei I sit on my bed as rose and max complaining about their clans I smile then I sneeze and lay back they cuddle I cuddle them back and sleep with them

the emotional monsterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon