Chapter 5- Departing Words of The Fractured Mariposa

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 Dolores' loud scream was heard across Casita, and about every member of the family woke up frightened and surprised. Pepa and Felix ran out of their room in an instant and raced towards the nursery where they heard their daughter scream, with clouds above Pepa's head thundering of something happening to her, while Felix held baby Antonio close to him. Camillo jumped out of his bed with a surprised start and shifted into a random person, but changed back the moment he was out of his room to check on his sister. Julieta and Agustin were the next to emerge from their room, hearing it come from the nursery, this filled them with even more fear that something may have happened to Mirabel, and ran with their max speed towards Dolores. Luisa emerged from her room with her door bursting open with a sharp slam, worried Dolores may have gotten hurt, feeling that she needed to save and protect her prima with her strength, and raced to where she heard her. Isabella could only groan, still not feeling like herself and being woken in the night by a loud scream, but got worried as she heard it filled with terror. Alma would wake with a start, she had never heard any such horror-filled screams within Casita, not even Bruno's rats caused such a scream. She hurried tand got her robe on and went to check what was happening.

By the time everyone arrived at the nursery, all they found was Dolores on the floor trembling as if shocked with tears in her eyes with a stack of papers on the ground. "Mija are you ok what happened?!" Pepa asked frantically, unsure if something hurt her daughter. But when she looked around for a cause, what surprised and shocked her was she couldn't see Mirabel anywhere in the nursery. Julieta and Agustin soon noticed that and they scurried past Pepa and Dolores to look for Mirabel. "Where is she, where is Mirabel?!" Julieta asked, shocked, unsure if something happened to her that made Dolores cry out. "Mija, what happened. Deep breaths, and tell us what did you see?" Felix told his daughter after coming to her side to comfort her. "Sss...She's...Mirabel..." Dolores could only stumble. "What is it, what did Mirabel do now Dolores?" Alma asked, wondering if Mirabel did something to hurt Dolores in some way. "SHE'S GONE!" Dolores yelled out loud. Julieta, Agustin, Luisa, and Isabella only froze in place at what Dolores said. Fear began to creep up their senses, seeing that she was nowhere in the Nursery, and how the bed has looked unused for days, brought a great fear that they dreaded since the birthday cake inciden and the fight with Abuela. Baby Antonio woke up startled, seeing the familiar room, but no sign of his prima who lived with him there, he got scared from the yell and no seeing Mirabel, he whimpered and cries were heard. Felix attempted to calm him, but to no avail. "Gone...what do you mean gone Hermana?" asked Camillo. "Did you all not hear me?! Mirabel's gone, missing, I can't hear her inside Casita, I can't even hear her anywhere in Encanto! She's gone!" Dolores exclaimed out loud. This frightened Mirabel's parents and sisters more, knowing that Dolores can hear all around the village, and she cannot hear Mirabel, then their worst fear has come true, Mirabel has run away from Casita, but how she made it out of Encanto was strange, but scared them that she was out and away from the safety of their home. "She's gone, and she left these papers. They're...letters to the familia..." "What do they say Dolores?!" Isabella called out loudly to her, which shocked everyone, no one ever saw her this concerned about Mirabel or anything that's not her problem. With shaking hands, Dolores picked up the letter papers, arranged them properly and then read them out loud.

To the Familia Madrigal,

By the time you find this letter I will be long gone and far away. I feel you won't bother much to look for me, and I don't blame you. At this point I wouldn't even ask you to. I've already learned how little I meant to you and your perfect family image. I hope it was all worth it. To finally be rid of the bad omen in the Madrigal's perfect portrait. But since I'm now far away enough by the time you're reading this, I might as well give you what you deserve.

To my mother, Julieta, all these years I looked up to you, loved you, cared about you. And yet when I turn to you for help when I feel down. All it takes is one stupid glare from Abuela to make you back down. I may not be Isabella or Luisa but I was still your daughter. I cried myself in my room at nights and yet you began rarely coming to my side. For Dio's sake take a stand, I can see the town exhausting you for your healing food! Stand up for me, your daughters, your siblings! And yet you let the old bruja control you all the time! Even when it comes to me you lack courage to stand up for me. It may take a while for me to forgive that, but my heart still loves you either way, even if my mouth shouts in hate.

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⏰ Última atualização: Sep 15, 2022 ⏰

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