What Are Friends For?

Start from the beginning

"What's that supposed to mean?" He moved, but barely.

"You should set boundaries, kick me out of your apartment when you find me sitting on your couch."

"What if I want you there?"

"I'd say we have a problem."

"Really?" His hand abandoned hers and moved down to her waist. 

She tried to keep her heartbeat steady. He was getting closer, his nose brushed against her cheek. "You deserve better. You know—"

Matthew never got to hear what he knew, because he'd let go of the blanket to hold Cat's face. He was kissing her. She didn't resist when he moved to trap her against the railing. When his arms wrapped around her, Matthew's lips moved with urgency, as if he'd been starving.

He kept her close, but it was her who grabbed him by the shoulders without breaking the kiss and guided him back inside. Matt had to maneuver and enter, but as he leaned forward to avoid hitting his head, his eyes found her and they stayed on her face.

He offered his hand to help her climb and Cat took it without hesitation, she wrapped her fingers tightly around Matthew's, his gaze fell on her lips, and he wasn't really looking at them, but she still felt shivers. Their foreheads touched, his chest was moving up and down and she pressed her hand against it. His heart was pounding.

"Been a while since I had you this close," he said, one of his hands found her waist and pushed her against him. "I'd missed it."

Cat spoke before kissing him. Her hand left his chest and went up to hold the back of his head. "I want to be very clear. If we keep going... I don't want this unless it means something to you."

"It does."

"I—I can't promise you anything that I'm not sure I can give, though... that includes falling in love." She warned him.

"Who said I'm in love with you?" He asked cynically.

"Good call."

Matthew kissed her again. He got rid of her shirt and then unbuttoned his, he kicked off his shoes and without missing a beat, lifted her off the ground and wrapped her legs around him.

"I've got you..." he kissed her neck.

Cat tilted her head, his fingers dug into her thighs, keeping her close to him. She pulled his hair to lift his face and kiss him on the lips. A groan escaped his mouth, the sound made her eager.

When he placed her on the bed, Matthew took a moment to undress his lower half while she took off the rest of her clothes. It was the first time she had someone in her room, it felt like a big deal. The place was pitch black but he couldn't tell and she wasn't bothered by it, it was far better, not being able to look at the scene with clarity.

Part of her kept thinking that he was doing this to prove a point. But she wasn't brooding out of lack of love, it was the excess of it and the fact that it was always hard to reciprocate the way others wanted her to.



"You're not drunk, are you?"

He chuckled, kicking his pants away. "It takes more than a few beers to get me there."

"Good," she smiled, "just making sure."

"You think that's the reason I want to sleep with you?" He stood with his knees close to the edge of the mattress.

"I always thought you wouldn't dare to do it sober," she teased him.

"You've earned it," he retorted in the same fashion.

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