Plan P.

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"Connors, Marko, Dillon, and, uh..." Peter put Osborn's cure away. "Look, I think that I can repair the devices for Dillon and Marko, but the others..."

"Well, I got Connors. I've already cured him once, so no big deal." The other Peters stared at Parker. "What? It's no big deal."


"Yeah. That's great." Peter agreed.

Parker walked away from the table. Cat observed him with a tiny smile, she moved her eyes back to the other two and found young Peter staring at her.


"MJ told me they found him in your apartment."

"So what?"

"Does Matt know you spent your weekend with another guy?" He smirked.

Cat rolled her eyes. "As if any man had a right over me."

Mr. Parker —Cat had decided to call him that since he was the oldest— interrupted their talk. "I think I can make an antiserum for Doctor Osborn. Been thinking about it a long time." Peter stared at the item with a death glare. "Gotta cure all of 'em, right?"

"Right." He didn't sound persuaded.

"Yeah, it's what we do."

When the man walked away, Cat leaned against the table and lowered her voice so only Peter could hear. "I know you don't need my permission but I just wanna say you're allowed to be angry. Don't let it be all you think about, though. You have an advantage over me, Pete."

He chuckled dryly. "Can't wait to hear what that is..."

"Don't use that tone with me," she scowled. "You have two versions of yourself that'd been through this. They know you better than anyone, they went through this and moved on. Maybe they can be your 'ifs'."

"How is that an advantage over you? You already have an 'if'..."

"Yeah, but I've got no clue if it'll keep me going," she shrugged. "There are no Copycats here to tell me about my possible future."

MJ stopped abruptly in front of them, they looked at her. "What?"

"It's just... Three yous."

They stared at the Peters, each working on a different project. 

"If humans acted like ants this is exactly what they'd be like," Cat chortled.


"Um... So, do you have a best friend, too?"

"I did."

"You did?"

"He died in my arms... after he tried to kill me." Mr. Parker poured a substance into the vial without missing a beat. "It was heartbreaking."

"Dude..." Parker muttered behind Ned. Cat remembered he'd mentioned someone before.

"Yours too?" She asked. "Were they Ned or were they that Harry you mentioned before?"

"Harry," both replied.

"Well, technically mine's still alive," Parker frowned. "He's in a mental facility and no longer talking to me... so I guess you could say our friendship died."

"I should be glad Copycat goes unmentioned..." she handed Parker the bottles he'd asked for. "It's weird, the last time I was here I was seventeen."

"How old are you now?" Mr. Parker asked.

"How old are you? Peter's eighteen and Parker is twenty-six, I wanna see if there's some kind of pattern..."

The man chuckled. "I rather not say... hope you don't mind me asking, but how come you know Peter and his friends? Was it the superhero gig?"

Copycat: Agent Zero (Marvel Fem!OC)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang