New & Improved.

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"What do you mean you can't block the satellite signal?"

"Tony didn't give me access to his drones, I only see the data that he gathered throughout the years."

"So he gave me an A.I. but he didn't trust me enough to give me a spare key."

"He thought it was too risky to have two omnipotent A.I. in the world."

"I hope he's seeing this from above so he realizes I'm not the protege that messed up."

"I can track down the devices on earth. It'll be slower, though."

Cat gazed at her reflection, she was wearing her brand new suit: Sky blue covered the majority of the fabric, she also had white on one stripe around her hips and one circling the neck, stripes on each side of her legs, and her brand new boots were of the same color. The old paw button was officially gone, her new symbol was a "0" with six claw marks crossing over each other in the middle of her chest.

A redesign had removed her old helmet: she was now wearing a cape to which she'd added, just to keep the joke alive, two small cat ears on the hood. The sleeves were long and fingerless gloves protected her hands. Dark blue steampunk goggles were keeping the hair away from her face, but they would also help in case she needed to protect her eyes from the wind. 

All of it, plus the greyish-white mask covering the lower half of her face, the silvery-white hair, and her purple eyes, made an amazing picture. It looked nothing like her old self, which she found comforting.

"Fury's got the coded message. Your friends are at the Tower Bridge!" Happy announced.

Cat sighed. "Alright Mouse, let's use your idea."


She walked out of the stall the moment Peter was handing out a necklace to Happy.

"If something happens to me, could you please give this to MJ?"

"You're gonna make it back. You'll give it to her yourself, okay? You got this."

Peter noticed movement out of the corner of his eye and found her standing there, his mouth fell open and he pointed at her with excitement. "Oh my God! Where did you get that?!"

"Wakanda," Cat said. "I met T'challa's sister during Tony's funeral and we sorta turned into acquaintances. I paid her so she'd make me a brand new suit. S.H.I.E.L.D has really poor taste."

"It looks like Pietro's suit!"

"Yeah," she was glad they couldn't see her whole face, or they would've noticed her blush. "I designed it like this on purpose. Shuri built around my idea, she did an amazing job."

"What's with the cape, though?"

"Shuri told me they wear something similar in her country."

"So it's meant to protect you, or is it cultural appropriation?"

"You'll see," she responded shortly.

"Okay, you're both ready, now walk me through it," Happy requested.

"I know it's illusion tech, right?" Peter began. "All I have to do is get on the inside of the illusion, then I can take it down, find him, and he's just a guy, so I can take Edith right back."

"Right, but last time, you got hit by a train."

"True, but this time... How do I explain this? Uh, I have a sixth sense."

"The Peter-tingle!" Happy said right away. "That's what you're talking about, right? It's not working, though. I heard it wasn't working right now. Is it?"

Copycat: Agent Zero (Marvel Fem!OC)Where stories live. Discover now