Quentin Beck.

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"This is simple guys," Cat said from the backseat, "we look around, we ask around, and determine whether if this is an 'us' problem."

"You don't actually have to tell us this," Fake Fury awkwardly tugged the neck of his shirt, "we're Skrulls, not idiots."

"Right," she looked unconvinced, "sorry."

"Don't stress," Soren —fake Hill— told her. 

As they got out of the vehicle, Cat saw nothing that could suggest a cartel was operating in the area. It seemed abandoned, even in the pictures she'd seen prior to the incident, this place had nothing special. Fake Fury and Hill were talking a few feet ahead of her, she wasn't really paying attention to what was happening.

Until the flying man landed in front of them.

The older agents pulled out their guns and Cat stood behind them in alert, she couldn't put on the suit unless the emergency demanded it, and so far this was no emergency. The guy took off his strange helmet and looked at them one by one. 

"Who are you?"

Before they could reply, something burst out of the ground: A giant made out of nothing but rocks was standing behind them. 

"You don't want any part of this," the man warned them.

"You're right..." Cat groaned.


"Is she always like this?" Quentin smiled.

Cat had been staring at him, her brows were furrowed and she hadn't uttered a word.

"She doesn't like it when things get out of control," Hill said.

"She can speak for herself," Talos was a great Fury impersonator. "You gotta learn to deal with it without lashing out on your team, agent."

"It's not that," she said tensely, "it's the crystal ball with legs over here."

Cat didn't like how chill he was after all that'd happened. A person, no matter how strong and brave they were, was likely to lose their shit if they were thrown into a situation like this one. Yet there he was, casually drinking a fresh glass of water in their private jet.

"You told us a story," Cat leaned forward, "whether I believe it or not, that's a whole other thing."

"You saw what was out there," Quentin pointed out the jet's window. "Isn't that enough?"


The man raised a brow. "You don't trust your own eyes?"

"No," she said once more, her fists tightened slightly.

"Well, there's nothing I can do about that," he sighed, "I promise I'm here to help. To save your world."

"You don't know my world."

"I'm the only one with experience fighting those things. Do you want more cities to be destroyed just because you have trust issues? You're ready to deal with the consequences?"

She left her seat and walked toward the bathroom. "Who cares about what I want?"

Once inside the cubicle, Cat pulled out her phone and looked for Harley's number.


"I'm sorry," she said quietly. "Can we pause our fight for a moment?"

His voice changed a little. "Are you dying?"

Cat grumbled. "I'm not that lucky."

She explained everything to him, Harley marveled at the possibility of moving across universes.

Copycat: Agent Zero (Marvel Fem!OC)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon