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"Matthew, I'm not asking a second time."

"Good. I have other things to do and this is wasting my time." The lawyer walked past her, she got in his way and kicked his cane aside earning a few looks from the people around her.

"You're gonna accept the money because you need it." She whispered angrily.

"If I were defending you, maybe, but Copycat has gone missing and Peter hasn't murdered anyone, so I'm not taking the money." He replied quietly as well.

"I'll give it to your partner—"

"Don't you dare give Foggy dirty money." Matthew tilted his head as if looking around, she noticed several people were still staring at them. The man seized her wrist and took her outside. "I don't know what you did to get it, but you smell like expensive cologne and fancy furniture—"

"What's important right now is Peter—"

"How are you gonna help him with Russo's money?" Cat looked away but she knew he could still hear her heartbeat. "What the hell were you thinking borrowing money from him? Do your friends know?"


"I'm not going to accept the money, I'll make sure Foggy doesn't accept the money, and Parker will reject it as well, so you better return it, or use it for something better than bribes."

"I'm not trying to bribe you, Matthew. I want to make sure you'll have the resources to help my friend, I need this to be a certain win!" She raised her voice.

"You want him to be safe? Look for whoever sent that video to the—"

"Beck sent it while he was bleeding out and we were standing there having a moment. It took a few days for it to see the light of day because the Daily bugle didn't find it right away. Mouse figured it out."

"Good. You know what to do now, right?"

She huffed. "No, I don't think I do."

"As long as you stay in the shadows you'll be safe, but C.C. Stark's helping the guy that they believe stole her uncle's tech. You don't work in Stark Industries, so they're gonna watch your every move until they're sure you're not a suspect. Every person you interact with will become a suspect in turn."

"Am I supposed to become a hermit?"

"You'll have to, at least for a while," Matthew tried to sound calm. "Kurt won't be able to see you..." he shook his head. "But you should tell him face to face." Cat wished she could avoid the confrontations, but that was always a part of life. "I think you should go home and rest, and think about what you'll do now. And please, stop taking money from the mob."

When Matthew left, it only took about two minutes for someone to come out and find her.

"Mr. Murdock asked me to give you this," Peter approached with her helmet in one hand. "Thank you for calling him. We're supposed to have a reunion next week to see if they drop the charges."

"That's good," she took the helmet. "Call me if you need anything, okay?"

"Hey, was this your plan?" He asked. "You said I couldn't get involved but it's not bad at all."

She put on the helmet and lifted its visor. "You know that mission where I pretended to be a rich British woman?"

"What about her?"

"Fury asked me to finish that before I started my new life, and I thought I could just— you know, frame Billy Russo."

Peter blinked. "You what?"

"I lied to him saying we could make you work for us if we paid for your bail— because Spider-man's bad for business, in case you didn't know. I rambled about how desperate you were so you'd probably say yes—"

Copycat: Agent Zero (Marvel Fem!OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora