Getting Better.

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Cat responded to Peter's comments and questions coldly, but this time he didn't take it personally. The young hero kept walking next to her as if all was okay.

"MJ!" Peter exclaimed when they saw the young girl approaching. "Hey!"

The girl wrapped her arms around him and held onto him, the abrupt display of affection took Cat by surprise, she stumbled to a stop and stared at them with her mouth slightly open.

"Are you okay?"

 "I'm okay. You okay?"

"Yeah..." MJ noticed her, she blushed but she didn't let go of Peter. "Cat."

The mutant smiled a little. "Hey, Jones. Where's Happy?"

"I— I left him back there," MJ pointed over her shoulder. "Sorry."

"It's okay, I should go check on the rest..."

"I'll go with you—"

"No," she gave him a look. "Let me, please."

The boy nodded, Cat noticed he was still shorter than both girls, but he matched MJ way better.


"Well, I'm glad you're alive. I guess the coded message worked."

"Appearances can be deceiving'— Heh. I'm surprised you didn't just wink in the camera."

"It worked."

"Only because I had serious doubts about Beck from the beginning."

"Not true. He had zero doubts."

Cat snorted, Fury looked at her and then at Happy, and he frowned.

"Where's Parker?"

"With his girl," Cat replied.

"I thought you were his girl?"

"I'm just a friend." She was a shitty one, but Cat was starting to believe that maybe that had little influence on other people's reasons to love her.

"I need to speak with him."

"He'll call you," Happy replied with a serious face.

"He'll ca—?" The man cackled. "Okay. Great. Well, he better. Or it's your ass." He pointed his index finger at Happy's face. "And don't even think about ghosting me."

"Talking about ghosting..." Cat gave a step forward and stood next to Happy with her hands behind her back.

Talos, who was now an expert at mimicking Fury, quickly tilted his head in suspicion and squinted his eye.

"After this mess, I've finally realized something," she glanced at Happy, who encouraged her to finish her sentence. "It doesn't matter if you trained me to be an agent, I don't want to be one."


"I can't follow orders from an organization I don't trust. It's a thing Peter just taught me. Actions are what really matter, and yours showed me you don't care about doing the right thing, you only care about having control."

Fury and Hill shared a look, they knew that speech wasn't directed at them, so Hill shrugged and Fury pretended to get very serious.

"You're aware this means you'll no longer have access to things? Like money."

"Oh, I'll figure that out. I've had boring, plain jobs before," she smirked. "I know people."

"Very well," Fury nodded at Happy as a goodbye. "Clear your desk before next Monday, agent."

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