Chapter 25.

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It had been a few weeks since my last fight with Opie. We hadn't spoken about it or addressed anything that had to do with Erin. We were just acting like the whole interaction didn't happen, and I was fine with that. Opie returned to his house with Lyla and it seemed like they were trying to make it work again. Lyla had started to take more director roles instead of actress roles at work, and Opie was starting to share more club stuff with her. Everything was going fine and to the best of my knowledge, his little crush on Erin seemed like it was just a phase.

As for me, I was content with forgetting the situation. I decided to bury Opie's accusations about me being in love with Erin because it was easier. There was no reason for me to bring those feelings up and leave a trail of hurt. Tara was an amazing woman, she was going to be my wife and the mother of my boys, and my path was set. I wasn't going to entertain the thoughts I had about Erin because they were all based on a hunch. I mean who's to say that leaving Tara for Erin would be a good thing? The grass isn't always greener on the other side.

"Jax!" I turned my attention to Tara who walked into the house visibly upset. She had only gone for a grocery store run so I was curious as to what happened in such a short time span. "What's up babe?" concern dripped from my voice as I watched her pace back and forth. She eventually stopped pacing and took a deep breath before she began her rant. "So, I'm in the store right," I nodded my head, "and I see Wendy with Abel and Henry. I was excited to see Abel so I went up to say hi to them. I asked Abel if he was going to come over to our house today, but then Wendy pulls me to the side and says that I should really ask Erin first."

Tara took a deep breath as she forced herself to continue. So far though, I was a little confused about what got her so upset. I mean, not to be devil's advocate, but Wendy didn't say anything out of the ordinary. Letting Erin know in advance when we wanted Abel wasn't a new part of our routine. Tara didn't necessarily like doing it, but she didn't say anything directly to Erin because she knew how important it was that we keep the peace.

"And I was like, I'm sure Jax wouldn't mind having him over. I mean it is his son after all," Tara then rolled her eyes and I chewed my bottom lip to refrain from speaking. "Anyway, as I was leaving Wendy asked me if I could hand you some papers that you could sign for Erin," Tara started to shake with anger, "I look at the papers and they are LEGAL GUARDIAN PAPERS TO MAKE WENDY A LEGAL GUARDIAN OF ABEL!"

Tara then smacked the papers down in front of me. I picked up the paperwork and sure enough, Wendy was listed as a legal guardian for Abel. I rubbed my hand on my face in frustration, "sh*t, babe I had no idea about this, we never talked about this."

"I know because she thinks she calls the shots! She didn't even bother sitting down with anybody to discuss something like this! I'm going to be your wife, yours, and she didn't even consider me as a legal guardian for Abel! But yeah let's trust junkie Wendy who almost killed him!" Tara was fuming and rightfully so, I never even considered the possibility of making Wendy a guardian for Abel. If I was going to leave my son to anyone it would have been Tara before anybody.

"Jax you have to fix this! I love Abel more than anything, and for her to choose Wendy..." Tara shook her head at the thought, "I've tried playing nice with her Jax. I've played by her rules, I've been kissing her a** and I gave her a stupid apology thinking that this would get better, but all she does is constantly undermine and disrespect me!"

Tara was practically in tears and I rushed to her side. I rubbed her arms in a comforting manner, "babe, don't worry about it, I'll fix this." Tara nodded her head as tears ran down her face. This whole thing was so upsetting for her because she loved Abel like a son. Had I returned him home in time, this whole thing would've never happened, and Tara would've had her rightful role as Abel's mother.

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