Chapter 14.

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When I pulled into Jax's house I noticed that Tara's car wasn't in the driveway. Which was strange because she knew that I always come in the mornings to help with Thomas. I hadn't gotten any messages from her or Anita, so I was just left sitting there worried and confused. It was no secret that Tara's accident did more than just injure her hand, our dynamic had suffered greatly and I could tell that what was once a friendly relationship had turned into a competition. She wanted to show me that she was the boss, that she controlled the narrative, but the picture she saw in her head did not include me. It did not include the club and it certainly didn't include Thomas growing up in Charming.

I had tried to call Tara multiple times but all my calls kept going straight to voicemail. I was beginning to become agitated with her and decided to call Anita to see what was going on. When Anita picked up the phone she sounded confused, "Gemma?"

"Hey Anita, I'm at the house and wanted to know if you had Thomas with you?"

"No, Tara told me that she would be taking Thomas to daycare from now on. I'm filling in for another family now."

"Did she?" I fought the urge to let out a list of profanities, "okay thanks Anita, sorry to bother you." I didn't wait for the elderly woman to end the call as I drove to Teller-Morrow to find my son. I was beyond pissed and I felt incredibly left out of the conversation. I mean, how could Tara and Jax think that daycare was better than family? They chose strangers to be around my grandkids over me!

I could hardly park my vehicle right as I pulled into the garage. Jax was just getting out of church with the guys when I bombarded him. "I just stopped by the house to see my grandkid, who the hell decided to put him in daycare?"

"Me and his mother," Jax said plainly.

I scoffed, "we don't let other people raise our children. It's selfish and lazy."

"I don't have time for this mom. You want to see Thomas, work it out with Tara."

I sucked my teeth as anger boiled inside of me, "and what about Abel? Who do I see about that?" I could see Jax grow agitated by my line of questioning. "Look mom, Erin's doing her best with what's going on and she's even letting me watch Abel and Henry while she apartment shops. Things are fine."

I rolled my eyes at his use of the word 'fine' if anything this situation was nowhere near fine. I couldn't even get around Abel without Little Miss FBI patrolling how much time we spent with him. The nerve of her, we were his family and she was treating us like strangers!

"You're watching her other kid?"

Jax clearly had no answer for me as he shrugged his shoulders, "why not?"

I cocked my head at him, "because he's young and impressionable! What makes you think he won't get attached to you? Think you're his father? I don't think you should be confusing him like that."

"Mom relax, no ones going to be telling him that I'm his Dad, she just needed someone to watch him and I volunteered. Whether we like it or not, he's grown up thinking that Abel is his brother. He knows no different and Half-Sack sacrificed his life for my son, the least I can do is keep an eye on his kid."

I was still apprehensive about Jax's decision to watch Henry, but I could see that there was no convincing Jax so I just let it go. It wasn't that I had a problem with Henry, I didn't have a problem with any child that belonged to a member. But Henry's case was special, he didn't have his father around and Jax had a habit of trying to fix everything and everyone around him.

"Alright, I got to go," Jax said placing a kiss on my cheek. It was obvious that he was in a rush as he and the guys sped away.

There was no way I'd be able to have any progressive conversation with Tara about Thomas. So, I decided to hunt down my other grandson in hopes that I could try to get close to him. I wasn't exactly a fan of Erin's but I could tell that she wasn't a bad mom. I mean even now as I watched her play with the boys in the park, I could tell she was completely adored by them.

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