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After crying her eyes out, she managed to get control of herself as her phone rang with a call from Hilda.

"Hi." She responded, fighting to make her voice steady.

"I'm back at the hostel. Where are you?"

"Do...Donovan..." She sniffled, unable to continue.

"Are you okay? You sound troubled." Hilda's voice was laced with panic. "What about Donovan?"

"I'm- I went to his place and now he-" she began with a rush.

Hilda urged her to take a deep breath, and try to calm down before explaining.

Boma managed to follow her advice and explained her current plight.

"Why would you go there?" Hilda was angry. "You know how he is. Gosh. That was reckless of you."

"I was worried about Fidelis."

"The guy is his cousin. Donovan is unlikely to kill him. What were you thinking?"

"I just didn't like not knowing where he was." She whined.

"Oh God."

Boma cried softly. Hilda softened up, feeling sorry for her.

"I'm sorry, but you need to be strong and stop crying or you will break down completely. Keep your cool, see how things go, and avoid his trouble. Alright?"

She sniffled. "Okay."

"Survive, okay?"

She knew she was on her own and decided to follow Hilda's advice. She would try and survive.


After the call, she felt a huge part of the tension leaving her. Talking to someone did help alleviate stress. She could see that now and was grateful that she had Hilda.

Focusing on survival, she tried to remember Donovan's rules. The feat was not hard. She was so afraid of him, that she remembered everything.

Feeling exhausted and lost, she got on the bed, turned on her side, and gave in to sleep even though the day was still new.

She woke up later with hunger pangs and to the ringing of her phone. The call was from a familiar-looking number.

She had deleted Donovan's number after she thought she was free of him but her guts told her it was his number.

Fear made her receive the call. She didn't want him to get angry upon his return because of missed calls.

"Hello." She said.

"Know who's speaking?" Donovan's voice dominated the phone, sounding laid back. Still, her heart began to beat faster with feelings of anxiety.

"Why...why not?"

"Because I figured you would have gotten rid of my number the first chance you got."

She stayed silent, surprised at his intuition.

"Tell me, didn't you get rid of it?"

"I- yes I did." She didn't see the point in lying.

"Typical and expected."

She stayed silent.

"So tell me. How do you know who's speaking?"

"Your- your voice."

"I didn't realize I made such a huge impression in a short time but thanks. I am flattered."

"Stop playing with me." She had expected her words to sound like a protest but they sounded whiny.

"Is that what I'm doing?" His voice was getting icy. "You think I'm playing with you? What kind of play would that be? Do I look like I'm playing or joking with you?"

At her silence, he continued. "Listen, Boma, as I've said before, I like you. I want you. Ever since I first laid eyes on you, I knew I just had to have you. I knew I didn't want anyone else touching you. I know it might sound crazy but I saw myself as the guy for you."

As he continued, her eyes welled up. It was due to the decisiveness and sincerity emanating from his voice even though his method was unconventional.

"I'm not the kind of guy that would bring you flowers almost every day or tell you that I love you in the fanciest kind of ways but I know that I cherish the thought of having you as mine. I like the idea of being the one for you. And I will care for you because I care for all things mine. I'm a jealous lover, so I will be zealous for you. I will be very protective of you. I know I'm rough but I will care for you. On this campus, you're safe with me. No one will intimidate you. No one will oppress you." He heard her soft helpless sniffles but continued.

"Don't be afraid of me. And listen, I'm not God but humanely, you will be under my protection. You will be under my watch. You will barely lack anything. You won't struggle, especially not financially. All you have to do is accept your place as Donovan's baby girl. All I want you to do is accept your place as mine. That's all I ask. I don't need your love. I'm fine with respect. Do you understand me?"

"Okay." She responded, her voice wavy. She had resigned herself to try. She didn't see any other choice at present.

"That's a good start. Now, have you had something to eat?"

"Not yet."

"I won't ask you why because I know you've been uh... grieving. Nevertheless, expect one of my guys to pick you up in about fifteen minutes so we can have a meal together. Okay?"


"See you soon."

After the call ended, she wiped her tears and prepared to go out.

Her phone beeped with a message and when she checked, it was from Fidelis.

Quickly, she checked the content;

I'm on campus. Sorry I didn't communicate with you. I saw your efforts to reach me. It was due to circumstances beyond my control. I feel guilty and need to explain everything. Please I barely have time as I'm trying to avoid Donovan. I'm not supposed to be spotted on this campus for at least two months. But I'm at the Library. Please come now because I will be leaving soon. I really need to see you

Boma thought fast. She needed to see Fidelis. At the same time, Donovan was expecting her. She didn't know what to do. And after waiting so long to hear from Fidelis, she didn't want to miss this chance.

-I will be there- she typed back and got ready to leave the house immediately. And quickly she walked out of the house, heading towards the gate with a pounding heart.

Outside, the sun was starting to shine. A gush of light breeze caused goosebumps to appear on her skin, giving her a rush of cold. She knew that the cold was more from her fears.

At the gate, she saw one of Donovan's guys hanging around the security crib close to the gate. She hadn't met him before. She ignored him and headed for the gate.

"Hey. Where to?" He asked.

"Who are you?"


"I've not seen you before."

"I'm new. Mind telling me where you're going?".

"Donovan is expecting me."

"I know but Phillip is not here yet."

"I don't want him waiting for me so I just want to stroll towards the main gate so he can get me on time."

He gave her explanation a moment's thought, seemed to find it reasonable, and shrugged. "Okay." He said, letting her out.

Once the apartment gate was shut behind her, she hurried towards the main gate, knowing that if she was fast enough, she would elude Philip to get to Fidelis on time. It was a risk she felt she needed to take. Her heart was pounding but she fervently hoped she would not regret it.

DonovanHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin