• Chapter 5 •

41 2 16

Knock knock


Knock knock

Kokichi slowly wakes up from his dreams to a sound coming from his front door. He rubs his eyes, then stares at the door, squinting a little.

"Ugh.. what's that annoying noise?" He mumbles.

Knock knock

Kokichi realizes that the 'annoying noise' is knocking. He doesn't get up, and instead yells at whoever could be behind the door.

"Hello?? Who's there?" He turns his phone on to check the time. It's around 11 AM. No one responds to his call. The knocking has stopped though.

"..Are you my secret admirer? Are you here to confess your undying love for me??" Kokichi grins, stifling his giggles, this time gaining a response.

"What?? No!" The someone behind the door says. He could hear some whispering right after this response, implying that there's more than one person. The former person speaks again.

"We know you're in there, Kokichi! Get out!"

'Holy shit, they know my name,'  Kokichi freaks out for a moment, then remembering the post from yesterday. It must be them, right? How'd they figure it out though?

"Uhh, no, I'm not Kokichi. You're at the wrong door," he replied. He slowly crept towards the window next to the door, carefully looking through the blinds without touching them. By angling himself in a specific way, he was able to become almost invisible from the outside.

There are seven people at the door, and he recognized all of them. 'They're from the same group that was by the fountain yesterday, right?'

"No, we know it's you! Your lies won't work this time!"

"I'm being serious! I'm not Kokichi! I'm, uhhh, I'm Kouma,"

"..Did you just mix your first name and surname to make a new name? ..You know that's not going to work, right?"

"It's not a new name, it's a real name, look it up on Google! Oh- Uh, this is my name that I legally have. I got it for my birthday-"

Kokichi was cut off by an angry voice, "Shut up! Get out of the apartment!"

"...Nuh uh. You can't force me!"

Kokichi rushed over to his couch and reached behind it, grabbing the plastic bag from yesterday's shopping. He took a polaroid camera from inside and hurried back to the window.

'This should be fun!'  He thought as he pulled the venetian blinds out of the way, finally seeing all of their faces clearly. He smiled wide, and said "Say cheese!" throwing up a peace sign.

He then snaps a photo. The only one in the picture that was actually smiling was Kokichi. Everyone else had gathered around the window with furrowed brows and frowns.

Kokichi looked back at them, held up a finger to indicate they had to wait for a moment.

He then ran off to somewhere in his living space, grabbed the first mostly empty sheet of paper he could find along with something he could write with which was a green sparkly gel pen, tip slightly dried out.

He folded the paper, stuck the photo inside, then wrote something, both inside and outside the folded paper. He placed it on his coffee table, bumping into a porcelain bowl by accident, knocking it down. It shatters immediately upon hitting the floor.

'Wow. Weakest bowl ever,'  he thought, but then turned his attention to the front door.

'I don't think they're going to leave me alone any time soon, so why not play a little game?' He approached the door with no clear plan except run. He looked out the window. They were all still there.

They stared at each other for a good second or two before Kokichi pointed dramatically behind them and said "Wow! It's Shuichi Saihara!!"

All of the fans immediately whipped around, only to find absolutely nothing behind them. They turned their attention back to the window, but Kokichi wasn't behind it. The door was askew.

"Wha- Where'd he go??" The 'leader' of the group spoke first.

"Damn it, he tricked us??"

"No, duh. Did you really expect Shuichi to be here?"

"You also looked, idiot.."

"Did he run out?"

"If he did, he's silent as hell."

The group entered his apartment. He had to be around here somewhere, right? Yet the answer to their question was no.

"Is he not in here? Check every closed door! And.. cabinet!! You never know!"

They split up, checking every empty space they could. Flinging cabinet doors open, pulling the sheets away from his bed, swinging every closed door wide open.. but to no avail. Kokichi had disappeared.

"Where is he?? Not in his apartment, that's for sure.. Maybe he's outside..?" One of them suggested, to which everyone else agreed and they all stepped back out.

Meanwhile the one they were looking for stood right below where they had last seen him. He wasn't even hiding, just leaning against the wall.

'I can't believe that actually worked..' he thought about how scary yet funny the situation was, but quickly became alert when he heard their voices again. He sneaked away behind a corner, out of their line of sight if they were to take the stairs.

And so they did. The group rushed down the steps, nearly tripping each other in the process. They reached the bottom of the staircase and proceeded to check the perimeters for any sign of him. They reached the corner, peering around it and... they found absolutely nothing.

Where did Kokichi go? Will they ever find him? Those were the questions lingering in their minds, which were probably not going to be answered for a little while.

"Ugh.. This is ridiculous.. How does a person just disappear like that??" One of them spoke, now focused on kicking a rock around.

"I'm going home. You guys can keep trying and eventually not succeed if you really want that," They said before walking away, hands in pockets.

"No! Ah.. Why does no one believe we can do this?"

"Because think about it. We have gotten zero people. Also this is kinda illegal..?"

Rantaro had heard rummaging and strangers' voices in Kokichi's apartment earlier, and has now thought to go check up on him. He unlocks his door and steps in front of Kokichi's, about to knock. He raised his hand and then.. he stopped.

Kokichi's door was already open.

[hello its me, himiko, have this. enjoy. i am indeed alive. and now watch as i cast a spell that makes you have to wait even longer for the next chapter oooooooo]

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06 ⏰

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