"Sorry, I-" her words were caught up in her mouth as realization hit her like a cold bucket of water was being dumped at her.

She bumped into Steve, her eyes widened.

The vomiting, the fatigue she was feeling, her breast growing, the night of Halloween after the party. It was because of him.

"Hey Julia, are you okay? I saw you get out of the class in a rush. I've been waiting for you to see how you were."

She took a step back from him.

His face fell; he was concerned for her. She looked sick, but she was scared of him.

Did he do something to her?

He was confused by her reaction.

"I have to go," she said in a rush, breathing rapidly.

Were the walls closing in on her?

Did the hall look longer than before?

She couldn't walk in a straight line; her vision was going blurry, "I can't," she was able to say, and then everything went dark.

◦ ◦ ◦

Julia lay flat on a small twin bed in the small little room that was the nurse's office. She woke up with a light headache.

She looked around, confused for a few seconds, unsure of where she was.

"Hello, Miss. Wallace, drink this," the nurse said, giving her a paper cup filled with water.

Hearing that Julia was up, Steve got up from his chair and went to her side.

Julia slowly sat up on the bed, the cup between her hands. "Are you feeling better," Steve asked, sounding worried.

The memories started floating in. She didn't make it back to the classroom; she brought the cup to her lips. "I am," she lied.

She felt worse than before, hoping that her theory was wrong. She needed to take a test to be sure.

She avoided looking at Steve. "I feel better. Can I go back to the classroom," she asked the nurse who was filling out some papers.

"I need to ask you some questions first. Do you have any chest pain or shortness of breath?"

Julia shook her head, "Good, and you don't have a fever. How about a headache, let's say in the last 24 hours."

"I started having a headache today."

She wrote it down, "can you tell me your full name?"

"Julia Wallace," she responded, fidgeting with her fingers.

"That's great you didn't hit your head in the fall. Mr. Harrington here was able to catch you before you hit the floor."

Julia smiled without looking at him. "What I still don't know is why you fainted. Did you eat breakfast this morning?"

"I did, and I ate lunch as well."

She wrote something down "have you been drinking enough water."

Julia thought for a second "not as much as I should," she answered honestly.

"Make sure you drink more water. Have you been feeling tired lately?"

"I have. I fell asleep during class once," she answered nervously.

The nurse noticed how Julia was getting nervous "how about throwing up."

Julia looked up and saw how the nurse was looking between her and Steve suspiciously.

"No," the nurse hummed, not sounding too convinced.

"Can I go now? I honestly feel much better. I think I'm just stressed or something."

Julia got up from the bed and threw her empty cup in the trash.

"Sure, but if you continue to feel bad or something happens, come to my office."

"Sure, thank you."

And with that, Julia was out of the room.

Her class with Mr. Jones had ended, she needed to get her bag from there.

"Wait, Julia," Steve called after her.

She didn't want to talk to him right now because there were so many thoughts going on in her brain at the moment.

"I can't talk right now, Steve; I have to get my stuff," she said, walking faster.

"Are you sure you're feeling better?" He caught up to her and touched her shoulder.

She moved away from his touch as if a high current of electricity went through her arm.

"I have to go. I-I'm fine," she said in a rush.

Steve was left in the middle of the hall, confused not knowing what was going on with Julia.

He didn't know that Julia's body was changing at the same time that his life was soon going to change.

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