Part 34: Mike Oxlong

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⚠️16+ language used ⚠️

"So, who's our target?" I question Henry as we stop at a red light. "I gave Yelena the files, everything that you need to know is in there" Henry gestured to the files in Yelena's hand. I lean forward to see Yelena go through the file.

"Mike Oxlong?" Yelena reads from the file. I raise my eyebrows at the guy's name. "My cock's long?" Nat questions. Henry burst out laughing, so does Yelena and I. "Natty!" I chuckle.

"What that's what I heard! His name sounds like that!" Nat defends. I shrug in response with a smile, yeah, I kinda hears it too. Yelena clears he throat.

"Anyways...." Henry drives again."He's 46 and apparently a sex symbol in Germany, but he moved to NY when he turned 30" Yelena reads.
"No wonder his name is 'Mike Oxlong'" I mumble. "See! I knew you heard it too!" Nat whines. I laugh and playfully punch her on her arm, causing her to fake pout. I smile and roll my eyes sarcastically before Yelena read about Mike Oxlong again.

"His net worth is 12 million and he's a CEO of a private magazine company and he does porn, interesting" Yelena announces.
"What magazine company?" I question.
"Pornography magazines, he sells it. He basically take photo's of naked models and put those pictures on the magazines" Henry explains.

Jeez, this guy is a real pervet, no wonder he's a sex symbol.

"Well, now that we know about Mike, tell us where we're going exactly?" Nat questions.

"To the grand opening of Mike Oxlong's magazine company. It's his new work building in a place nowhere near the other work areas. Loads of people, rich people, will come and watch as Mike takes those big golden scissors and cut the red ribbon to the entrance of his new building."
Henry explains.

"Oh, great" Nat scoffs.

We went over the plan. Nat and I will try to seduce Mike and get him alone and get him to give us his watch. Rumors says that he always wears a 500k worth watch.

"Holy fuck" I mumble, placing my hands on the window as I look up at the huge building.
"This place is huge!" Yelena sang out.

We drive around the corner to where the huge gates were. Fancy cars were parked on the grass and along the road, so many cars. Even fancy dressed people stormed through the gates towards the main building. Henry parked his car against a limo.

"Jeez" I whisper to myself as I got out of the car and gaze at the limo. "You can tell this Mike Oxlong guy is popular since fancy people that drives fancy cars, comes here" Nat said as she also stares at the limo.
"Alright, ladies. Straighten your dresses and pick up your heels, we need to look fancy to fit in" Henry says as he slides his hand down his suit while walking to the gate. We follow behind Henry and fix our dress. I clutch my purse and fix my posture, now walking like a real fancy pick me girl.

We blend in with the crowd, walking through the gates.

There he is, Mike Oxlong, standing at the red ribbon to present his new building where he does his "job" and take sexy magazine photo's of women.

We stop where everyone else stopped, behind the ribbon.

"Welcome to the new P.N.O graphy compound!" Mike Oxlong announce. Everyone starts whistling and clapping hands. Henry gently nudges my side, gesturing to clap too. Right, gotta act like I care. So, we all clap along the other people.

"What's P.N.O?" Nat questions quietly as we all stops clapping. "It's Mike's company's name, it basically stands for pornography" Henry replies quietly, not bringing his eyes off Mike. His acting really devolved these past years, maybe he can join me in my con artistry missions. Well he technically is joining me now.
"Ah" Nat replies with a nod.

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