Part 7: No sleep

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Natasha and I washed the plates after we were done eating. Yelena went to show Henry his room. Turns out, Yelena and Henry's rooms are on the other side of the hall, so there is 2 rooms at each end of the hallway.

"Thanks for helping with the dishes" Natasha thanked me while putting the last plate in the cabinet. I dry off my hands and hang the cloth up against the oven. "No problem" I reply with a smile, turning around to face her. "What about we go sleep then I'll give you a house tour tomorrow?" Natasha said, giving me a small smile on her lips in return. I nod my head "Sure"

"I'll bring you some clothes" Natasha said, walking away, around the corner. I went up the stairs to the room I was sleeping in. I can't really call it my room since I'm not going to stay here forever, but gosh... I want to.

Henry already told me that he called the reception of the apartment, of course he didn't tell them what really happened. He just said someone broke inside, I mean, that did happen, but he didn't tell everything. If he did, we'll be the ones that ends up in jail. Actually, no we won't! We're not criminals! We don't steal, we just put on a show for rich people then they give us the stuff themselves, nothing bad, right?

I snapped out of my thoughts as I heard the door swing open.

"Here you go" Natasha said, placing some clothes on the bed I was sitting on. I stood up and walked to the clothes, unfolding it, revealing that it's quite large. "Uh, yeah. It's an oversized hoodie." Natasha states, giving me a small smile. I nod in response and thanked her. I look at Natasha, waiting for her to leave, but she doesn't seem to understand why I'm staring at her. "Oh! Right, sorry" She said, a bit red in the cheeks. I gave her a laugh before she walked out of the room, closing the door behind her.

I quickly dress up. The hoodie smells exactly like Natasha, it's maybe he- OH MY GOD, IT'S MAYBE HERS!!! I quickly shake the thoughts out of my head before I do something stupid, like steal her hoodie. I pull up the shorts and walked to the en-suite, staring at myself in the mirror. You can't even see the pants and it isn't even that short, it's just this ridiculous sized hoodie! but I love it!

I walk back to the room and open the door. I got a little startled as I saw Natasha right in front of the door. "Sorry didn't mean to scare you, just wanted to check if you're                comfortable" She sweetly chuckles. I step a bit back from the door and open my arms, watching as the sleeves fall down to my hands. "Definitely comfortable!" I say flopping my arms around, the oversized sleeves swinging around. Natasha giggles at me and shook her head. "Alright well, goodnight" She said, reaching inside the room and pulled the door closed. "Night!" I yell before she slammed the door shut.

I flop down on the bed and instantly start to think about what happened in the car. Natasha was going to kiss me! but then my phone rang, and I messed it up!! Even how she looked with that blonde wig on... gosh, this woman is the death of me!! I only know her for 4 days now and I think I'm already catching feelings, but we already know so much about each other!

I roll around under the blanket, trying to fall asleep. My mind finally gave me a chance to sleep for about three hours before I woke up again.

"ugh!" I whisper, throwing the blanket off me. I check the alarm clock, seeing it's 2:44 in the morning. I normally sleep like a baby, but for some reason I can't! Ever since I met Natasha at that casino, I can't fall asleep! I swung my legs over the bed and got up.

I quietly open the door and tippy toed to the kitchen, grabbing me a glass out of the cabinet.

"Can't sleep, huh?"

I quickly turn around from the cabinet, almost dropping the glass. I let out a deep sigh as I saw the silhouette of Natasha. It was absolutely pitch black in here, but I can see what's in front of me.

"Yeah" I replied, placing the glass down on the counter. Natasha walked around it and also got out a glass for her. I didn't notice what she was wearing until she got closer to me. I couldn't help but to look her up and down. She's wearing the cutest bear onezie, a pink heart in the middle with fluffy ears. She looked adorable. "Nice onezie" I teased, covering my smile behind my glass of water as I take a sip. "Hey, don't judge it's comfortable!" She giggled, causing me to smile even more. We both stand around the counter, sipping on our water. "Do you want to watch a movie?" She asked, putting her glass in the sink. I couldn't help but to smile a bit. "sure" I reply quietly. Natasha gave me a smile. I walk past her and place my glass next to hers. She quickly grabs a tub of vanilla ice cream out of the fridge and gave me two small spoons to carry with.

I follow behind her, up to her room. I haven't actually been in here, since I didn't get a house tour, but that'll happen tomorrow. Her room was quite big and also has an en-suite. She closed the door behind us when we got in. She got her laptop from her desk, followed with some small ear buds and plopped it down on the bed with her. I stood at the door, inspecting what she's doing until she laughs at me. "You gunna stand there all night or you gunna sit next to me?" She teased, patting her hand on her bed, signalling me to come sit. I strolled over to her and flopped down next to her. We crawled upwards on the bed so that we're in the middle, sitting crossed legged. I gave Natasha a spoon as she holds the ice cream in between us both. The laptop in front of us with the ear buds in our ears. "What movie do you want to watch?" She asked, scrolling through Netflix with her free hand. "Anything" I simply reply. "Tell me what movies you like" She said. "Drama, romance, action, comedies" I reply. She began smiling at my reply which I don't know why, but oh well, It's way too late to ask. Natasha clicked on a new movie called "The lost city" and it looks interesting. She turns the screen more to me and throws a blanket over us with the ice cream on top of it. We watch the movie while scooping up some ice cream.

I got a small scoop of ice cream and lick the spoon. Out the corner of my eye, I saw Natasha stare at me while I lick my spoon, but I decide to ignore it.

Whenever funny scenes popped up, we held in our laugh, trying not to wake up Henry and Yelena.

I make a small yawn which caught Natasha's attention. "Come on, let's lay down" She said. I nod in response. She closes the ice cream tub and grabbed the spoons, placing it down on her desk next to her bed. We crawled up even higher, so that our heads were at the pillows. Natasha placed her laptop in between us as we lay down and continue to watch the movie. Now and then I'll take a quick glance over at Natasha to catch her staring at me or either it's just because I want to see her.

I cuddle up in the blanket, bringing it up to my chin. My eyes start to get heavy and it was hard to focus on the movie.

Eventually everything went dark.....

The Con Queen~ Natasha Romanoff X FEMREADER Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt