Part 24: Should've been there

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I tightly close my eyes once I feel the headache. I slowly roll around on the bed while holding onto my forehead. Suddenly I hear the door open. I quickly shoot open my eyes to see Nat coming in with a tray.

"Good morning, darling" she said with a smile. She kicked the door close when she got in. "Morning" I mumble. I push myself up against the pillows once she got close to me.
"Drink the pills, it'll help" she said, pointing to pills on the tray. I nod my head and grab the glass of water and pills out of the tray. She placed the tray down on the desk and made sure that I'm taking my pills. I slowly place the glass back down.

"Please tell me I didn't do anything stupid" I chuckle. Nat raises her eyebrows and tilts her head. Shit, I probably did do something stupid. She lifts up her hand, it's colored in with highlighter.
"You colored my hand with a highlighter because you said I'm important" Nat explains. I mentally face palm myself. "Because you are!" I fight back with a chuckle. Nat smiles and shakes her head. She crawled over me to get next to me on the bed. She sits up next to me and wrap her arm around me.
"Anything else?" I question. I lean my head on her shoulder.

"Well, you said your name is Y/N Romanoff..." Nat said. Oh shit. I can feel the heat rush up to my cheeks. Dam, I should bring out drunk Y/N more often, she's super bold.  "And you wanted to have sex" Nat burst out laughing mid sentence. I nervously chuckled with her. I clear my throat.
"Well, drunk Y/N is super bold it seems like" I said. "And super sassy" Nat adds. "And surprisingly super romantic" I mumble. Nat looks down at me with a confused face.
"What do you mean, you're romantic" she said. I scoff and pull my head back from her shoulder so that I can see her better.
"Oh no..." I interject "I can't be romantic since I'm nervous" I added. My eyes widen as I realize what I just said. Did I seriously just expose myself?

"Nervous? I make you nervous?" Nat questions with a smirk. Yup, definitely just exposed myself. Of course she makes me nervous! She's my girlfriend!
"Well yeah, you're fucking hot" I murmur and look down to my hands, resting on my legs. I can hear Nat chuckle.
"Well, then. Show me how romantic you are, I'll be the judge of that" she said in a seductive voice. My head shot to her. A devilish smirk appeared on her lips, causing me to gulp. I began laughing nervously. Nat tilts her head and her smirk disappears. Wait, is she serious? I quickly stop laughing and gulp once again.
"Oh, you're serious?" I stutter and press my tongue against my cheek.
"I mean if you want to" she shrugs and the same smirk appeared on her face. My entire body feels like it's on fire and I'm pretty sure I can feel my heart beat. I start to nervously laugh again, causing her to smirk even more.

"I mean- I- uh, I'm a- okay." I stutter. Nat bursts out laughing. I hate this, she's bullying me. "I'm kidding darling, I'm just fooling around" She managed to laugh out. I purse my lips together. "Y-Yeah, right I knew that" I clear my throat. But what if I really wanted to do it? What if I didn't want her to joke about it. When Nat stopped laughing she said,
"Alright, let's get up"

I nod my head and take in a deep breath before I got out of bed. I look down to myself. This isn't my clothes?

"Oh, I forgot to say..." She began. My head shot up to her seeing her smile at me. "That's my clothes" Nat finished. I nod my head and walk over to her at the door. She opened it and let me walk out first.

Natasha's Pov:

I open the door for Y/N to walk out and closed it once we both got out of the room. My eyes wonder down her body and stop at her ass. My shorts really sits well on her. If I'm being honest, I stared at her ass the entire way downstairs.

Y/N's Pov

Nat and I walked into the kitchen and saw Yelena and Henry eating cereal by the counter. We all exchanged good mornings. I grab me and Nat a bowl and she grabbed the cereal. She throws in some cereal and I pour in the milk. Now we all were eating together.
While we were talking about random crap, Henry seemed to be day dreaming. I snap my fingers in front of him, causing him to jump a bit.
"You okay?" I ask. He takes a bite of his cereal and nods. "Just have a bit of a hungover" he added.

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