Part 26: I love you.

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"Come on guys! Movies about to start!" Henry yelled. We all run down the movie building with our popcorn flying everywhere. We enter cinema 2, just in time.

We make our way through the seats. I look around the area, it's just us in here. Nat and I sit on the lover seats while Henry and Yelena sits next to us on the normal seats. Under the lovers seat there was a blanket, so I grabbed it with my free hand and throw it over us. I place the popcorn we're sharing in the middle.

"Be sure not to pee your pants Y/N" Henry teased with a devilish smirk. My head shoots to the left side, giving Henry a death stare. "I'm not that scared of horror movies!" I defend. "Well..." Yelena and Nat said on the same time. "Seriously." I say and lean back on the seat. They all laugh at me. The movie starts to play and I tug myself under the blanket, physically preparing myself for jumpscares. Nat throws her arm over my shoulder as the movie starts.

We eat popcorn and watch the movie. Suddenly a jumpscare happened, causing me to jump. Nat giggles at me which I sarcastically roll my eyes. I lean my head on Nat's shoulder as her hands caresses down and up my arm repeatedly. When I tell you I'm fighting to keep myself awake... I'm meaning it. I look to my left seeing Yelena also lean against Henry's shoulder. A small smirk crept on my lips. After an hour and 35 minutes, the movie ended. We all got up and took our empty popcorn boxes with us. We head out the cinema room 2. We quickly throw away our empty boxes before walking out of the movie theater.

"You guys want to go out for a walk?" Henry asked as he closes the door behind us. "I don't mind" I respond. Nat and Yelena nods. "Sure, why not" Yelena said.

With that being said, we walked towards the park at central New York. We all stop at the bridge, water flowing beneath us. I was the first to walk over to the rail and lean on it. I look out to the view of the nature then spots an elderly man and woman sitting on the bench, next to the lake, throwing the ducks pieces of bread. I smile at how cute they are.

"Beautiful view, hey?" Nat said behind me. I turn around to face her and wrap my arms around her neck. I smile as she puts her hands on my waist. "Please just not in front of us" Henry teased. I see him fake gag behind Nat as Henry and Yelena walk past us. I tilt my head towards Henry and roll my eyes while chuckling. I drag my head slowly back to Nat, seeing her smile down to me. Her smile slowly fades away and she grips my waist tighter, I loosen some grip around her neck. "What's wrong?" I ask quietly. She clears her throat and looks at the elderly behind me before looking back at me. "It's just- I love you"

My entire body froze and my mouth opens slightly. She said it, she actually said it. Nobody over 5 years told me they love me, expect for Henry, but as siblings. I flicker between Nat's eyes, trying to figure out words, but I can't speak. I'm truly shocked. The half of me is so happy that I want to cry and the other half wants to kiss her. Nat clenches her jaw. "I'm sorry, it's way too early to say that, isn't it?" She faked chuckle and pressed her tongue against her cheek. I quickly snap out of my head and shake my head with a frown. "No! No!" I laugh. "I love you too!" I respond, basically yelling. I tighten my grip around her neck and stand on my toes while I smash my lips against hers. She drags me a bit closer to her as our lips are still connected. I slowly pull away with a smile, looking up at her, she's smiling too. I look to my right seeing Yelena recording Nat and I with Henry next to her.

"Seriously?" I laugh. Nat furrows her eyebrows and look in the direction where I'm looking. Yelena smiles and shows Henry the video she took of us. I chuckle out a laugh and remove my hands from Nat's neck. She also removes her hands away from my waist and we both start to walk to Henry and Yelena laughing. "It took time, Natalia" Yelena teased, mentioning that Nat finally said "I love you" to me. I smile and lean over Henry's shoulder to watch the video. Yelena starts the video from the beginning. We all watch the video together. She literally recorded everything, the part Nat told me she loves me and the part we kiss. I smile down at the phone. I look back up towards Nat seeing her smile also down to the phone.
"Well, that's the most beautiful and cringe thing I ever experienced" Henry joked and looks over to me. I roll my eyes. "how did you even get that all on camera?" I question. Yelena buried her phone in her pocket and we all continue to walk over the bridge. "Well, I just wanted to get a video of the ducks, turns out I got a video of y'all" Yelena said.
"Be sure to send the video to me" Nat said. I giggle at her and shake my head while smiling.

We all end up leaning against the railing, Nat and Henry next to me while Yelena stands next to Henry. I take a deep breath in and find myself staring at the elderly again. I can't help but to smile at the two of them, still feeding the ducks. Suddenly, I feel arms wrapping around my neck. I look slightly to my right seeing Nat move in behind me. I take a hold of her arms around my neck and basically just melt into her touch. She places her chin on top of my head while her arms are drooped over both my shoulders.

"Everyone come on, time for photo's!" Yelena announced and turns around, getting out her phone. Nat moved a bit away from me, allowing me to turn around. She removed her arms from me and walked over to Yelena. Henry dragged me by the arm and placed me in the middle of him and Yelena. Yelena held her arm up high with the phone in her hand so that she gets everyone in the photo.

I swear Yelena took hundreds of photos. Funny photo's, cute photo's, group photo's, smiling photo's and individual photo's of us all. Yelena told me to pose for a photo, so I did. I look out to the water while Yelena tries to find a good angle.

"Got it" Yelena announced. I stopped posing and walked over to them. We all looked through the photos, everyone of them is amazing!

"This photo thing has been fun, but it's getting late and we have a flight to catch tomorrow early" Henry announced as he starts to walk. "Oh right, I haven't even packed yet" I whisper to myself. "Me neither that's why we need to go" Henry said as we all follow behind him.
"How long are we going to stay there?" Nat asked. "No idea, but I recon for about a week so pack loads of clothes" Henry replied.

We hopped in the car and Henry immediately drove.

"Mind if I post the pics on Instagram?" Yelena asked. "Sure, make sure to tag me in it" I respond. "Me too" Nat said. "Me three!" Henry added. Yelena chuckles and nods her head.


I was busy packing in my clothes before I heard a knock in my room door. I quickly jog towards my door and open it, revealing Nat in front of it.

"Hey Natty" I greet and move to the side so that she can come in. "Hey, you done packing?" She asked and walk inside my room. "Not yet" I respond and close the door behind her. I turn around to see her flop on my bed, sitting up by her elbows as her legs swing over the edge of the bed. I continue getting out clothes from my cabinet.
"You really should consider becoming a model" Nat said. I turn around to her, catching her look me up and down. "Why's that?" I ask and turn back to my closet.
"You look like a model in the photo's that Yelena took of you" Nat respond. A chuckle came out if my mouth as I walk towards my bed where there was my suitcase next to Nat.
"Thanks I guess, but molding isn't really my cup if tea", "I just pose for the photo" I add and shrug.

I move in between Nat's legs.
"Well..." She looks me up and down, "You pose good" She finished with a small grin on her lips. I crawled onto the bed, on top of her legs. I straddle her lap while she holds herself up by her elbows. "You pose even better" I whisper while cupping her cheeks in my hands. Her eyes flicker between my eyes and lips, so I lean it. I gently place my lips onto hers, feeling her smile against my lips. I slowly pull back and lean my forehead against hers. Us both smiling down wards like idiots.
"I love you" she whispered. Her words sending butterflies down my stomach.
"I love you more"

We stay in this position for another minute before I start to crawl off her. She groans dramatically in response. I chuckle at her before saying, "Cmon, I need to get dressed into my pj's" I say while holding the door open for her. "Fine" She whines while getting off my bed. "Hurry up, I want my cuddles" She added before walking out of my room. I sarcastically roll my eyes at her while laughing. I closed the door and walk to my bathroom.

Once I was done showering and dressing into my pj's I went to Nat's room. I knocked on her door. "Come in!" I open the door, revealing Nat already dressed in her pj's. She pats her bed, signaling me to come lay down next to her. I walk in her room and close the door behind me.

"Goodnight котенок (kitten)" She said as she wraps her arms around me. I look up at her with a confused face. Her eyes were shut. "What does котенок mean?" I ask. She just shrugs, her eyes still closed. Fine, I'll just use google translate tomorrow. "Goodnight, Natty" I replied and cuddle into her side.

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