Part 40: Suprise Party

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Chapter 3
Slight smut warning

Trying to open my heavy eyes, I fail, for my headache is way too much. The pressure keeps rising. Shit, I hate hangovers. I guess that's what I get for drinking. I try one more time to open my eyes, and it worked. I flicker my eyes open, trying to focus on one thing because I'm a bit nauseated. I groan and lift my head up while my head pounding. Squinting my eyes, I look up into Nat's eyes, catching her already staring at me.

"Good morning darling" she smiles softly, slowly stroking my hair. I place my head down onto her chest again.
"Morning" I mumble against her. I know my head might be sore, but I definitely remember what happened yesterday.

I throw the duvet over my head and look down to my naked body. Heat rushed up to my face as I realize I'm naked on top of Nat. Well, that doesn't matter now I guess. Since she already did her job yesterday night. I sigh and throw the duvet off my head.

"You should probably get dressed, don't want you catching a cold" Nat spoke softly. I groan against her.
"Come on, get dressed and I'll go get you some pills. I just know how bad of a hangover you must have" She adds. Slowly, I roll off her and throw the duvet off me. Exposing my naked body to Nat. She stands up and looks down at me with a smirk. Her eyes wonder up and down my body before she cleared her throat.

"Meet me down stairs after you got ready" she says, sending me a quick smile before leaving the room.

I sigh and stand up, a cold breeze hitting my bare skin. Quickly, I walk in the bathroom where my clothes were still scattered across the floor. I pick it up and throw it in the laundry basket. I took a shower, wrapped a towel around my body and got some clothes out of my own room. After that, I walked downstairs, clutching my forehead. I walk around the corner to see Nat sitting around the counter with her phone in her hand. In front of her is a glass of water and two round pills.

Without saying anything I sit on the opposite side of her. The chair squeaked once I sat down. Nat looks up from her phone.

"Oh hey" she puts her phone away, "drink this"

She pass me the water and pills. I take the cup of water and down the pills. Nat have been staring at my chin since this morning and it's a bit weird.

"What?" I question with a frown, placing the cup down.
"Uh nothing, it's just- don't you want to cover your bruised chin with make up?" She replies, gesturing to my chin.
"Um, why?" I question. Does she think I look ugly?
"Because we're going out for breakfast" Nat shrugs, leaning back on the chair.

"Oh, well, why didn't you just say so?!" I smile and jump off the chair.

I jog upstairs to my room and cover my chin with some makeup which took about 10 minutes to match my skin tone.
After that, I jog down the stairs with my purse in my hand. I hear multiple voices from the living room so I walk in. Henry, Yelena and Nat is sitting at the living room just chatting, they all are ready to go.

We exchanged mornings, Yelena, Henry and I. Then as I got closer to Henry, I see his bruise under his eye also gone. Nat told him to cover up too?

I make my way to Nat and sit down on the couch, next to her.

"So, when are we going?" I question. Nat and Yelena glance over at each other, causing me to frown suspiciously. Okay. Something's definitely up. Yelena clears her throat and turns to me. She checks her watch then looks back up to me.
"In a few minutes, the restaurant isn't open yet" Yelena replies, stuttering a bit. I squint my eyes and nod slowly.
"Okay" I reply slowly.

"That gives us time to confront Natasha and Y/N" Henry starts, a smirk appearing on his face. Nat and I look at each other with a curious face. "Shall we, Yelena?" Henry ask Yelena to confront Nat and I. What the heck did we do? Yelena chuckles, pinching the bridge of her nose and nods.

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