"Altair." The master greeted.


He bowed with his arm across his chest.

"Come forward, tell me of your mission."

Al Mualim soon noticed that you, Malik and Kadar were not present and was immediately concerned.

"I trust.. you have recovered the Temples treasure?" Al Mualim asked.

"There was some trouble Master. Robert De'Sable was not alone." Altair mumbled.

The Master had to lean forward to hear him.

"When does our work ever go as planned. It's our ability to adapt that

makes us who we are."

"This time..it was not enough." Altair hanged his head.

"What do you mean?" The master now concerned.

"I have failed you."

It hurt Altair to say those words. It hurt even more that he was to still tell the Master that Malik and Kadar...and you were dead.

"The treasure?"

"Lost to us."

"And Robert?"

The Master asked as he circled his desk to stand before Altair.


The Master frowned deeply.

"I send you, my best man. To complete a mission more important than any that has come before. And you return to me with nothing but apologies and excuses."

Altair hanged his head.

"I did-"

"Do not SPEAK! NOT ANOTHER WORD!" The master snapped.

He moved away clenching his fists.

"This is not what I had expected. We'll need to mount another force."

"I swear to you I'll find him, I'll go and-"

"No! You do Nothing! You've done enough." The Master sighed.

His attention soon turned to the absent assassins.

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