Episode 3 Origami Tsunami

Start bij het begin

Michelangelo: (looks at Leonardo) Yo, Leo, we're gonna be heroes!

Leonardo: Okay, what's the plan? Solve the city's rat problem?

Splinter: (bitch slaps Leonardo with his tail) Hey now. I am standing right here.

Ralphael: [Pfft] No way. We're crime fighters!

F/N: Yeah, we wanna go after stuff like robbers not rodents.

Donatello: Okay, check this out: The Spine Breaking Bandit!

F/N: Oh-ho, now that's a spicy one. I love it!

Ralphael: Ehehe-yeah. Go big or go home!

Leonardo: (Moves Michelangelo out of the way to join them) Yeah, go home on a stretcher. What else you got?

Donatello: Uh, okay, here's something: The Long Island Mangler!

F/N: Nice!

Leonardo: (puts his hand on the tablet screen as Donatello looks at him.) Okay, Donnie. I appreciate you giving your best effort, but maybe we should save mangling and spine breaking for, I don't know, our second day?

Everyone just looks at Leonardo in silence until Donatello swipes left on the screen to the next crime.

Donatello: All right, well this one's kinda lame: someone stole paper from a delivery truck.

Leonardo: (grabs the tablet) Not on my watch! That's exactly the kind of junior level mischief we can put an end to. (Walks off.)

Ralphael: Really? That'll make us heroes? But it's only paper...

Leonardo: (stops in his place) It's only paper? [Laughing] I'm so sorry. (Turns his head towards the others) Donnie, F/N, what did he say? Did he say it's only paper?

Donatello: Yup.

F/N: Uh-huh.

Leonardo: Did he say it's only paper?

Donatello: Yes, he did.

F/N: Words came out of his mouth.

Leonardo: (Turns towards his brothers.) Okay! That's what they all say. (Paces around while giving a speech) You think the road to hero town is paved with real crime? No! It's paved with the tears of the poor paper man. And who helps that guy? (Looks up as the wind flows through his mask) I'll tell you who: We are who.

R/D/M/F: Yes!

After that speech the brothers left to get ready for their mission.

(Time skip brought to you by F/N in his human form as the sun went down causing him to transform into his wolf form.)

It was now night time, we saw Leonardo, Michelangelo, Ralphael, and F/N in his wolf form jumping around on the roofs as Donatello was flying on his drone. The land on top of a building as Donatello puts on his visors to look around along with his brothers.

Raphael: What kind of weirdo steals paper?

Michelangelo: A dreamer! You look at a blank sheet and see nothing. They see possibilities--

Ralphael elbowed him before he cold finish his little speech.

F/N: Well that's one way to put it, I guess.

Donatello: (looks in front of him) There's only one store they haven't hit yet, and it's right over there-- oh, convenient.

Ralphael: (the others look at him.) How 'bout we go and make 'em wish they stole toilet paper?

After hearing that, his brothers started to laugh.

Donatello: Ha, okay.

F/N: Nice one, Ralph.

COWABUNGA! Vol 1: Draxum Saga (ROTTMNT X Mutant Male Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu