(★) ❝Stormbreacher❞ by Phyre_Phlyght

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This book is an author's pick, meaning it was nominated by myself on behalf of the author, Phyre_Phlyght. You can find Stormbreacher on their profile.

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Stormbreacher by Phyre_Phlyght

Genre: Sci-fi


According to the trustworthy, perfectly reasonable, and brilliant mind of Athena Concord, the city of Veridian is the absolute worst place on the planet. And now she gets to live there, no matter how incessantly she's going to complain about it. To say that she's extremely frustrated about the whole ordeal is a bit of an understatement. 

At least, while Veridian is still the grade-F dump Athena expected it to be, it's at least not boring. Here, in the few hours Athena gets to escape her insufferable relatives, she begins to piece together the mystery of her father's disappearance-what dragged him away from his beloved family, who he worked for. But the deeper she goes...the more Athena exposes herself to the same monsters that took her father away...


A note for readers: Click the external link to read this book :)

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