You're Sick • Mediterranean

Comenzar desde el principio

You nod and tuck in to your blanket pile.

"I was at the marke—"

"THE MARKET!!" You yell, shooting up from your bed and scaring your boyfriend. "I forgot about the market!!"

"Woah woah!" Antonio says, trying to calm you down. "What's the big deal. Just go next weekend?"

"I can't! I always sell out on the weekend and... I need the money," you say, whispering the last part.

"I'm sorry, but you're obviously in no shape to go to the market," he says, pushing you back into your bed.

"But Ton—"

"No [Y/N]! Please, you'll just end up feeling worse!"

"Sí, I know that you're right..." you say sadly. "I j-..."

He looks at you in confusion as you suddenly stop taking.

"Toni I have an idea, but I need to ask a giant favour of you," you say pleadingly. "Please go sell my tomatoes at the market!!"

"Huh?! Bu—"



You wait expectantly.

"I... guess I can do it."

You quietly celebrate.

"Who's going to take care of you though?"

"Oh, don't worry about me Toni! I'll be fine here!" You say, dismissing his worry. "I'll just be here quietly sleeping when you return."

He nods and heads out the door.

"Wait Toni!" You yell, stopping the spaniard dead in his tracks.


"Te amo!" You say grinning.

He sighs, but smiles happily.

"Yo también te amo! See you soon [Y/N], sleep well!"

- translations -

• Sí = Yes

• En serio = Seriously

• Hola = Hello

• Te amo = I love you

• Yo también te amo = I love you too



Lovino was getting very annoyed. You see, you were supposed to meet him for lunch thirty minutes ago and you hadn't shown up yet.

He decides to call you to tell you to hurry up,

"[Y/N]?! Where the hell are-a you bastardo?!" He screams into his phone, startling some people walking by.

"Ugh, Lovino? I'm so sorry..." you say quietly. "I have a fever and completely forgot."

"Huh? A fever?!" He asks, shocked.

"Yeah, I'm really sorry," you say, feeling bad about accidentally having stood him up.

He just hangs up, leaving you worried.

'Maybe he's mad at me...' you think. 'I should have told him earlier.'

Little did you know that Lovino was getting to your house as fast as he can. He was extremely worried. His country has suffered many deadly pandemics in the past and he was very distressed to say the least.

★ Hetalia Preferences / Boyfriend Scenarios ★Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora