You're Sick • Mediterranean

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Key: [Y/N] = Your name
[L/N] = Last name

Warnings: None

Characters: Mediterranean (Spain, Romano, Greece, Turkey)



Antonio was in the market, shuffling through the dense crowd. The weekend market was extremely busy, but he didn't really mind. He always came to buy your tomatoes no matter what!

Everyone loved your tomatoes and you seemed to have made quite the name for yourself in the market, so when you didn't show up, people were upset.

"Have you seen [Y/N]? The one who sells the delicioso tomatoes?" One of your customers asks another.

"No... maybe they moved to a different stall?" The other customer replies unsure. "Let's keep looking. It's not a real day at the market unless we get those tomatoes!"

This seemed to be the popular opinion. Everyone wanted some of your tomatoes. Some people were looking around the market, some settled for worse tomatoes, but most were just hoping you'd show up to save them from this tomato crisis.

Antonio was starting to get worried, he knew that you'd never miss a day at the market, and besides, you loved your customers and would never let them down like this. So, he decided to give you a call to make sure you were alright.

"Hola [Y/N]!"

"Hmm? Antonio?" You say groggily, sounding like you had just woken up. "What's up?"

"You sound weird? Is everything okay?"

"No..." you groan. "I woke up with a high fever and I feel awful..."

"¿En serio?" He asks worriedly. "Don't worry! I'll be right over!"

After that he quickly shoves his was through the crowd and runs to your house.

When he gets there he quickly enters, not caring to knock, and walks to your bedroom.

"Oh Toni... you scared me," you say tiredly, noticing the man standing in your doorframe.

"Sorry," he says, approaching your bed. "How are you feeling? You don't look well..."

It was true, you were laying in bed with a couple blankets on top of you. Your face was flushed and you were sweating.

"Ah, I'm not feeling any better than before..." you reply sadly.

He stares down at you with concern before he remembers something.

"Oh yeah! I brought you some medicine, you should take it."

You do as he advises. The medicine didn't taste the best, but you were too sick to complain.

"Thanks Toni!"

"It's my pleasure!" He says.

"I was actually going to get some medicine earlier, but it was so expensive... and you know I'm not very rich..." You mumble, feeling embarrassed.

He plays with your hair as he replies,

"Sí... I'm happy I was able to help," he says. "Tell me if you ever need anything. I'm not made of money, but I can buy you some things here and there..."

"You don't have to do that Toni..." you mumble quietly.

"Are you tired? You should get some sleep," he says.

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