Chapter One

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August 25th

Chief Bailey's office is not a place a doctor wants to be called into. It is a place that often comes with bad news of meetings for negative outcomes with patients, or possible demotions.

Walking down the hall towards the door where Bailey resides on the other side, Carina felt nothing but nerves fill her body.

She can't recall if she did anything wrong or worth extra attention. In fact, the last time she was called down to this familiar office was when she received the promotion, becoming the head of the obstetrics and gynecology unit almost one year ago.

Carina had no reason to be nervous. In reality, she should be confident for all her work and energy that she has put into her job over the last few years.

All the women and babies she has saved throughout her time at Grey Sloan.

However, her heart still hammered against her chest as she cracked open the door, seeing Jo already sat in one of the chairs located in front of Bailey's desk.

Jo looked like a scolded child in the principals office and Carina can easily tell that she's just as nervous as she is.

"What's going on, Chief?" Carina asks curiously as she hovers by the doorway, waiting for further direction.

"Take a seat, Doctor Deluca," Bailey states, remaining stoic as she gestures to the chair next to Jo's.

Carina took a few tentative steps towards her seat, sitting down as she waits patiently for her boss to indicate what's going on.

"I want to start of by thanking you both for all your hard work over your career. You're great assets to the medical field and I really appreciate your devotion to your job," Bailey says, her words not doing much to help calm her racing heart.

"Let's cut to the chase," Bailey declares as Jo and Carina each quickly glance at each other, both doctors with questioning looks on their faces. "I have a job opportunity for you guys. There's an extreme case of twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome in Florence and some of the doctors from that local hospital reached out to me and asked for help."

"Florence, as in Italy?" Carina double checks, trying to follow every last detail of Bailey's words.

"That's right," the chief nods. "You're the best we have, Doctor Deluca, and Doctor Wilson is growing higher in the ranks as well. This would be an excellent learning opportunity, but also a great help to the family too."

"But why us?" Carina asks, confused. This is a case that is studied in medical school. Any OB could treat the case.

"The family specifically requested you. Apparently they study your research and are fascinated by your studies. They refuse to get help by anyone else. The husband works at the hospital and has a good rank that gives him some pull. I'm assuming he's the one who requested to have you come," Bailey explains, trying to deliver all the information she has.

Everything about this offer sounds perfect for Carina. Not only does it give her a chance to visit her home country, she gets to help save a woman and her babies lives.

There's just one thing.

"How long is this trip?" Carina questions as Jo nods along, also wondering the same thing.

"You would leave next week for a month, unless there are further complications," Bailey answers as Carina grows quiet, already battling this out in her head.

"Chief, this is a great opportunity, but I have a family. I have a pair of two year olds at home waiting for me. I don't know if I could just leave them and Maya for a month," Carina states, expressing her concerns.

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