~ Chapter Two ~

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"This is who you will be working with."

Y/n stood in the large dark office with Mori and the little redhead, Chuuya.

Chuuya stared her down, he was very intimidating to her, despite the fact he was a good few inches shorter, minus the hat. He didn't look like what she thought he would. She thought he'd be a bit taller.

Y/n chuckled nervously as she looked at him.      "Nice to meet you... I guess." She muttered the last bit.

"Why do I have to watch her?!" Chuuya growled. "She's a child."

"Chuuya." Mori began. "She's only a year younger than you, calm down."

Chuuya growled again. "So your 17?" The girl nodded her head. "I'm basically babysitting her."

"Dazai could've said the same about you." Mori laughed. "Now Chuuya. You will be y/n's mentor. You don't get any say in this. You may use any form of training you'd like and any form of discipline."


"Y/n, be on your best behavior. Do as Chuuya commands you. If you don't he can do whatever he'd like to put you in place."

"Yes sir..."

"Dismissed." Mori finally said.

Y/n followed Chuuya out of Mori's office. He didn't seem too happy. "I'm not doing this 'cause I want to." He growled.

"I got that hint..." She followed him into the elevator. "Your nothing like I thought you'd be..."

"What does that mean?" Chuuya asked, glaring at her.

"I mean I don't know... You're a Port Mafia executive. Your not very intimidating appearance-wise."

"It doesn't matter if you look "intimidating" in the Port Mafia. You just need to know how to do your job correctly," he muttered angrily.

"I'm guessing that's the same for Dazai?"

"Why do you care about that asshole?"

She was taken aback. Chuuya seemed generally annoyed. The elevator finally stopped and she stepped out of it with Chuuya. She followed him down a dimly lighted hall with doors on either side. Stopping at a door on the left side of the hallway, Chuuya turned to her.

"Here." he held out a key and dropped it into y/n's hand. She took it and unlocked the door.

The room was small. On the left of the door was a very small kitchen that had the needed appliances. In the middle of the room was her bed which had folded clothes sitting atop it, to the left of the bed was a shelf, and to the right of the bed was a door. Inside the door was a very small bathroom.

"Mori heard about the whole homeless thing so he decided to give you a room down here. Not many people get them, be happy."

She smirked at the boy. "How exactly did he find out about that?"

"He does his homework."

"Well ya." She giggled. "But that happened just yesterday. After I left the building. How?"

"Don't underestimate him."

She giggled again. "Alright, noted. Now, why do you seem to hate Dazai soo much?"

"That's none of your business."

She picked up the clothes from the bed and inspected them. They were her size even. "Close the door and don't turn around for me, will ya?"

Chuuya sighed and did as she asked. "Anyway, I'll be finding out everything about you sooner or later. May as well tell me now," she said as she changed into her new clothes.

She heard a sigh come from the boy. "All you need to know is he's an annoying snob."

She finally finished getting dressed and she looked at the final results. She wore a white shirt, black cargo pants that had chains hooked to them, and a black coat.

"You can turn around now." Chuuya turned back around and looked her up and down. "You like? Gosh, I can't remember the last time I had new clothes..."

"You ready?"

"For what?"

"Training." he opened her door again and left her in the room. She quickly followed behind and locked the door before throwing the key into her pocket. "You have an ability, correct?"

"Suffocating Grasp is its name." She hummed in response.

"Mori said you stopped a man from breathing without even touching him."


"How does it work?" The two of you got into the elevator and Chuuya pushed a button to go a few floors down.

"I just have to have a target. Once I've locked eyes on someone they've lost all hope. It's almost as if invisible hands choke the person."

"Have you killed anyone before?"

"Maybe~ The police suspect me of killing a bunch of boys! They have no real proof. No weapons were found, and no victims were left alive to testify.. Except for number 4..."

"Number 4?"

"He was my fourth boyfriend or victim. He tried to..." she trailed off, not wanting to say it aloud.

Chuuya looked at her confused. "He tried to what?"

She laughed it off. "It doesn't matter... Anyway, I nearly killed him but I guess I didn't finish the job. In court mama testified for me, saying I was with her that day. Thankfully the court took my side! It was a close call though..."

"So you kill all of your exes?"

"Yep! After my first heartbreak, I found that I don't deal with it too well."

Chuuya let out a small chuckle. "Maybe you're not too bad after all. Do you have any combat skills?"

"Uhhhh... No."

"You'll have to work on that."

The elevator stopped once again and she followed Chuuya out. She wasn't quite sure what his deal was but he didn't seem as intimidating as he did at the start.

Chuuya led her through the tunnels of the underground until you ended up at a metal door. Chuuya opened it and inside there was that same brown-haired boy from the day before and another who had black things coming out of his black coat.

"Why the fuck are you here Dazai?!" Chuuya angrily growled.

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-The One and Only Auther ✌️🥹

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