iv. nothing can replace the real thing.

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He blinked, those words didn't just escape the mouth of the woman who left him and DJ alone with a man who could do nothing more than pick up a beer every time he ran out.

"I think DJ will be more safer at home with me." Grace argued.

"Says who? You think because you got up and made something of yourself that you can talk down on us?"

"That's not what I'm saying! I just think my son should be with his mother."

"You're my mother too!" He shouted, he felt as if he been stabbed in the heart. She can't just come in here and demand taking his brother away from the only person he have known his whole life. "You're not taking him! You left him. You've no right over him anymore. Right, dad?"

Ward didn't response quick enough for him, Chuck felt his heart sunk. "Why are you being so quiet!? DJ is your son too!"

"Not according to the DNA test we took weeks ago." Grace replied, Chuck stood up and begun pacing. "I know this sound planned-"

"I can't believe this. Why? Why do you even want him? Don't you have other kids?!" Chuck questioned, "You're fertile as hell, make enough child instead trying to take DJ."

Grace sighed, "Asked yourself this DJ, when you leave for college in a year or two, who gonna be watching DJ, huh? You already know your father isn't capable of such thing."

Chuck shook his head, if it wasn't one thing it was becoming another. He couldn't believe both of his parents was trying to make him give DJ up.

"I-I'll figure something out like I always do. Don't I?"

Grace shook her head, "It wouldn't matter because your father have already decided to sign his right over to me when this school year ends."

Chuck laughed to keep from laughing, "You did, huh? When was you going to tell me?"

Ward stood, "Soon-"

"Bullshit. You wasn't going to tell me anything until after!" Chuck snapped at him, "Why can't you just be honest, huh? What happened to just trying to be our father? We had plans, Ward."

Ward sighed, shoving his hands in his pockets. He couldn't make eye contact with his son.

"Lemme guess, you aren't his father, are you?" Chuck guessed, the silence gave him the answer, "And she offered money to you, didn't she?"

"For your tuition."

Chuck didn't want it, shaking his head quickly. "Keep it. You're gonna need it more than me."

Grace stood up, "I wanna thank you for all your help, Charlie."

"Help?" He repeated, "I did it all! I was here for it all his first! Never you... because you was a drunk... just loaded on pills.. who believed that running is the solution. You're nothing more than a bad person. Both of you."

Give 'Em Hell, Robby Keene. ( Discontinued )Where stories live. Discover now