iii. i can't believe it's mother dearest.

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O. mother dearest, is it you?
cus i been looking for you !

It was here. Today the cast will finally be coming off his leg. It felt too good to be real but it was. He dreamt of the day he would walk without a cast on his leg or crutches under him. His cast days was finally over, at last.

His regular doctor came in, she and his father gave each other the eyes as she walked to the sink to wash her hand and dry them off before walking over to Chuck. "Well, Mr. Langston, how are we feeling?"

"Excited," Chuck bounced, "This cast been kicking my ass and I'm ready to take it off now."

The doctor checked around to see if Chuck would flinch or anything, but nothing. Chuck was actually ready to walk all on his own again. She was proud, the process work. It only took a month and a fews days.

"Well, good news, Mr. Langston, you're ready to be cast-free. Your leg seems to have healed." She smiled at him, "It was a pleasure to have you as my patient."

Chuck chuckled, "I'm sure you had a lot of pleasure lately," He grinned at his Dad.

The doctor embarrassingly chuckled, tucking her hair behind her ear. "Now, I don't wanna see you in another accident any time soon, Mr. Langston, okay?"

Chuck nodded, "Doubt you'll see me in a while, Doc." He put on his shoes, hopping down. "I guess you two have some unfinished business, huh? So I'll just wait in the waiting room." He left the room.

He walked toward the waiting room, he stopped near a door when he heard a familiar voice. He turned his head at the door, seeing the guy who his friend had knocked over a railing. "Miguel?"

He turned his head, eyes landing on Chuck. "We're talking?"

Chuck chuckled, walking into the room, "How did it go? The surgery?"

Miguel shrugged, "Not bad, I guess. The doctors have no clue whether or not I'll be able to walk again."

Chuck remembered something, repeating it. "Only times will tell."

Miguel chuckled, "You sounds like my doctor."

"Oh," Chuck embarrassingly apologized, "Sorry, I didn't mean to do that."

Give 'Em Hell, Robby Keene. ( Discontinued )Where stories live. Discover now