3: Kill Deimos Vels

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Kill Deimos Veles. Revenge for the loss of my pack. Go back home with his head in my bag.

The only problem: I've never killed before. Our alpha held that burden for us, he was the one who executed imprisoned rogues, the one who snapped their necks in the fewer times we've been attacked. I trained on deer and rabbits. But I know, it will be nothing like killing my mate.

Deimos went inside, and against my best judgment, I followed.

I couldn't ignore how everything was neat and clean in place. So different from the way he killed, messy and chaotic. The sight of Alex's torn corpse came back to my mind, my stomach trembled and the man before me only looked like a red dot I had to erase from existing.

"You killed my cousin." I couldn't hold back anymore. He was still giving me his back, "-and other two of my pack."

"Shadowless is not your pack anymore." his voice held so much power like a waterfall, yet calm and steady.

It was the first thing he ever spoke, he was right but not for long.

"And why is that?" I asked mockingly. I needed to hear his apology, it wouldn't fix anything he ruined, I just needed to know there is some humanity left in him. That he is worth it.

He turned to me and held my eyes, "I owe you my life." The warmth of his tone only made me feel colder.

I remembered what I lost. Friends, home, Ash, a reputation, a pack, years and years of making myself good enough to hold the honor and responsibility of Delta. "You owe me more than a life," I whispered back and turned to leave.

He didn't stop me, and I realized why when I couldn't find a way out.

I went back inside, Deimos was shifted into his massive brown wolf laying on the couch, relaxed as if it was a normal afternoon in the forest.

He was intimidating, I have never seen a Lycan before, I thought it would be a hairy man with a tail. It's how it was told in the stories, but he was a full wolf like us, only bigger, stronger, and prettier. He opened one eye to look at me then closed it again.

I smelled a faint fresh wound. I looked closer scanning his fur. His paw was still injured, that's why he shifted, to heal faster. My own leg hurt for him.

I didn't know what to do, screaming at him to let me out doesn't seem that it will come with a result. Fighting him would be a stupid mistake, I'd never win against a rabid Lycan.

So, I crouched down on the floor resting my head on my knees, and watched the demon asleep.

I opened my eyes to a strangely comforting warmth and a strange werewolf smell. The rabid wolf was lying next to me, snoring. I got up, detecting the smell. Someone was close.

How can't he notice it? Even asleep I would recognize an intruder.

I listened carefully, there was a lot of them, all around the garage. I had to decide, either to sit back hoping they will be inside without wakening him up and kill him before he knows what happened, my gut told me he was not the one who will end up dead.

I shoved him as gently as I could. He jumped alarmed looking around. I set my finger on my lips telling him not to make a sound, then pointed to my ears so he will listen.

He sniffed the air and then seemed to relax. He walked to a room and came back in his human form, dressed in shorts and a white shirt. I could see the wound clearly now; it was a deep knife cut. And I wondered why didn't he heal already.

He walked to the garage and opened the door. I steadied my feet and leaned forward, ready for the fight.

A woman in a leather suit came in, her heels ticking as she walked inside. I'd guess she was in her forties, but she had the body and movement of a twenty years old. Her short hair was well styled and her red lipstick flashed confidence. She was human.

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