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"We're sleeping over!"

"I cannot believe this," you huffed at Wooyoung and San who stood by the door with drinks and food in their hands.

It was the night Yeosang had left. If you were honest with yourself, you were really, really looking forward to tonight. Jongho had been nothing short of reverent towards you, and it made you feel good.

He could also be playful at times you didn't expect, and he'd been teasing you a lot about how you two would be alone for basically a week. And though you knew Jongho wasn't the one to go at a quick pace, that he would always let you lead, you were kind of excited inside. Because duh, who wouldn't be?

So when you had just finished cleaning the house while Jongho cooked, planning to watch movies with him that could hopefully turn into something else, the doorbell gave you both a surprise. But it was really not very much a surprise that Wooyoung and San were here.

"Ah, the house seems empty without Yeosang, doesn't it?" Wooyoung welcomed himself in, looking around and then looking at you smugly. "We can't let you take advantage of Jongho while he's alone. It's why we're here. We're the... horny police."

"Wooyoung!" You gasped, shaking your head in disbelief while Jongho and San doubled over with laughter, "You clearly don't know how Jongho can be if you think I'm the horny one here."

"Hey!" Jongho was half crying and half laughing at this point, "I didn't do anything! I'm innocent!"

"He'd never do something like that, stop lying!" San defended him.

You put your hands on your hips as you glared at Jongho, "Need I remind you how absolutely reckless you've been when Yeosang's home?"

"Ah, this is exciting," San was eagerly anticipating the next move.

"Oh?" Jongho tilted his head cockily, "Sure. It's not like you play footsie everytime we have to sit on the darned table, isn't that so?"

Wooyoung snorted and you scoffed, "At least I don't give you back hugs when Yeosang disappears for one second."

San gasped, "Jongho! That's so reckless!"

"Exactly!" You shook hands with San, "Imagine if Yeosang comes and finds him, of all the people in this world, back hugging me."

"What do you mean?"

"She's right," Wooyoung nodded, "If it were say, me or anyone else, he wouldn't even bat an eye thinking we're teasing her or something. But since it's you who doesn't normally do stuff like that...

"He'll immediately know something's up," you concluded with a firm nod. "Anyways, I'm clearly the innocent one here. You two-" you pointed at Wooyoung and San, "Should be protecting me tonight."

"Worry not," San saluted, "We'll make sure there's a respectable distance between you two while we're here."

You shook your head, laughing as you went to the kitchen to take out some snacks. They were already planning on the movies you all were going to watch tonight. After setting everything on the table, the duo made you sit between them, pushing Jongho to the side when he whined.

"She's ours tonight," San was grinning as he swatted Jongho away, "Just because Yeosang isn't here doesn't mean you can do anything-"

"You're making me sound so bad," Jongho finally surrendered as he put his face in his hands and sighed, shaking with laughter but in defeat.

"You're making all of this sound way worse than it is," you put a popcorn in your mouth, "It's not like anything was going to happen tonight. Right, Jongho?"

Jongho was too flushed to reply and you and Wooyoung burst into giggles while San gasped and slapped you two.

The night was spent watching a bunch of movies that you all had already watched before so you could make fun of the movie and of each other without having to fully focus. It was how it went when San and Wooyoung used to come over. They always made you join and together, you'd gang up on Yeosang.

By the time you were done with two movies, Jongho and Wooyoung were already asleep, Jongho comfortably lying on the couch while Wooyoung's head rested on your shoulder. San yawned, looking at you. "You're awake."

"We're the last ones standing," you shook your head at the two, "We should just leave them here. They'll find the bed if they want. You enjoy the bed alone while you can."

"Sounds fun," San scoffed and then turned towards you, smiling knowingly. "So it finally happened."

You looked down as you smiled, slapping his thigh because he was smiling so widely at you. "How did it happen?"

You sighed happily, "It took us a few drinks to finally confess."

"Ah, was it the day Yeosang found his juniors in the restaurant?"

"Oh? Did he mention it?"

"Jongho did," San smirked, "He was complaining about how Yeosang ditched you two, but now that I think about it, he didn't sound too sad. In fact, he was practically beaming."

You laughed out loud, "He was. And he's unexpectedly brave in front of Yeosang as well. He keeps making references and when Yeosang finally finds out, he's gonna lose it."

"He is," San laughed, "When are you going to tell him? Shouldn't you have told him by now, considering he left?"

You bit your lips, "He was gonna skip going home if I told him earlier. He wouldn't kick Jongho out, would he?"

"Ah, Yeosang's too innocent and pure for his own good," San shook his head, "How, exactly, are you going to tell him?"

You had given it some thought. Telling Yeosang wasn't that hard. You were scared of his reaction. Would he be okay with this? It's not like you did something wrong, but he was still Jongho's friend first. And the fact that all this had happened under the same roof as him, and to top it off, the fact that none of you had told him about your feelings for each other before... he was either going to be very happy or very disappointed- but only because you two didn't confide in him.

You'd met Seonghwa and Hongjoong a few days ago in the art club. You'd told them about the situation and asked for advice. Hongjoong had been pleasantly surprised but Seonghwa had only nodded knowingly- it looked like he had caught on. And while you two were discussing how to break it to Yeosang, Mingi and Yunho had come in with a blast, dramatically dancing to express their agony over the fact that you weren't the little kid they'd known but someone who was dating their friend and would 'corrupt' him.

"By the way," you looked at San, forgetting about the question he'd asked, "Why do all of you think I'm corrupting Jongho?"

San laughed so loud you were positive even Wooyoung would wake up, but they only shifted in their sleep. "Minnie... It's clearly a joke. We really don't expect much from the two of you in that department, so when you gave us those little bits earlier, I was really shocked. Is Jongho a romantic afterall?"

"He is," you confirmed with a proud smile, "More than you'd think."

San ooh-ed at that, "Suddenly I really don't want to leave you two alone for even a moment."

"Shut up and go sleep," you let out a short laugh, "Goodnight."


A/N: I need woosan as besties so bad

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