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A cab ride later, you arrived at the frat party, the noise you could already hear from the distance making you gulp. The boys urged you inside, guiding you through the mess which told you they must have been here a few times at least, finally finding the rest of the boys. You greeted everyone, thanked them for the compliments and Yeosang got your attention.

"Stick close to one of us, even if you're with someone else," he began, "Try not to drink too much, don't go upstairs under any circumstances even if you have to pee, don't even look at the boys here-"

"Okay, enough," you laughed, "I get it. Also, just so you know, I can take care of myself."

He looked at you for a moment, shaking his head, "Nope. Guys, keep an eye on her."

"I'm keeping two eyes on her!" Wooyoung teased, "You're all I'm looking at tonight, come over here."

"Guys," you groaned, reluctantly going to Wooyoung who put an arm over your shoulders casually- he was always the one who teased you the most. "Oh, there's my friend-" you shrugged out of Wooyoung's grasp, covering your ears as he screamed through the loud music for you to come back, making your way to the girl from your sociology class.

"Yebin, hi," you caught her attention and she greeted you with a friendly hug, "You look amazing!"

"Look at yourself!" She scanned you, satisfied, "Are you here with a date?"

You made a face, pointing at the 8 boys standing in a circle, "Sadly, one of them is my brother. The rest are his friends."

"Ah, that's Yunho and Wooyoung," she grinned.

"You know them?"

"Who doesn't?" She rolled her eyes, "Life of the parties everywhere. So you're telling me you're friends with these guys?"

"Yep, known them since we were kids," you said.

"Wow," she snorted, "are you going to look for a boy tonight? Because I think I'll just keep looking in that direction-"

"Oh, please," you rolled your eyes but laughed, "Anyways, who else is here?"

Indicating to the boys which direction you were going in, you followed your friend who introduced you to some of her friends and led you to the biggest room where everyone was dancing. You spotted some familiar faces as you swayed along, drink in your hand and you finally took a sip.

"Ew, what's this?"

"Do not ask," Yebin flipped her hair, "Just drink and dance, baby."

You made an impressed face, doing just that- you needed to loosen up. As you danced a bit, you scanned the crowd again, marking familiar faces and their group that they hung out with. To your surprise, some of the people you knew were definitely dating each other. You and Yebin shared a laugh over that and you noticed Yebin eyeing someone behind you.

"You wanna tell me who's more interesting than me right now?" You wiggled your brows.

Yebin grinned, "He's behind you- don't look right now. He's been giving me the look for a while now."

"You know him?"

"Friend of a friend," she told you, "He's approaching!"

"Hello, ladies," he clicked his glasses with the two of you and you gave Yebin an excited look, muttering you'd find your brother and giving the two some space. Taking another sip of the disgusting drink and leaving it on a table, you made your way through the crowd, sighing in relief when you saw San coming in from outside.

"Lost?" He asked, calling you over so you could join him.

"No, was just trying to find a familiar face. My friend is booked now," you grinned.

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