hot day

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It was a hot day where the Awesamfam was staying,Goerge, Quakity, Boomer, Tommy and Hannah were inside with the air conditioner on Sam was getting ice- cream and Ponk was at work.

"DADDDD it's so hot"Tommy said dragging the D in his sentence, Tommy and Hannah lived with them for 1 month already and they all warmed up to eachother.

(Goerge's pov)

*Sigh*........"wait.....!!!we have a pool"I said shooting up "papa please can we go swimming?"Hannah asked with a hint of excitement "I don't see why not"dad said placing the bowl of ice cream on the counter in front of us,we all ate and quickly ran upstairs and got changed into swimming costumes we already went shopping so we do have clothing.

We all ran out of the house and to the pool to set our stuff down and waited for dad to come,"why are we standing?"Tommy asked as he finished putting his stuff down "we wait for dad to first put sunscreen on second to put floaties on us and third to keep an eye on us"I said obviously been the oldest out of the other kids,"but I am a big man I don't need any of that"he said walking to the pool deep end "Tom please don't do it"Hannah said with sadness in her voice,that made Tommy start immediately and turn to face her "I don't want you to do it please"Hannah said with tears in her eyes,that is her way of making him stop what he is doing and comfort her and it works all the time.

(No one's pov)

All the kids were sitting on there chairs waiting for  there dad to come out it has bee 30 second before Fran came running out of the house with Sam behind her with floaties and sunscreen and cool pool toys to play with.

Sam was done with the sunscreen and floaties no using a blow up floaty gadget "you can all go swimming I will toss the floaties in when it is done"Sam said looking at them, Goerge did not have floaties on because he knew how to swim and with out hesitation he jumped in the pool and resurface to the top "this feels so good"Goerge said swimming around Quakity and boomer jumped in at the shallow side and made there way to Goerge Tommy obviously did a big jump in and splashed the 3 in the pool Fran and Hannah slowly mad there way in by the stairs of the pool.Fran was a very smart and fun dog she was fully trained when she was a puppy and sill know everything about it."dad are you going to swim with us?"boomer asked looking at the now floaties in the big pool "sure I will I need to cool down to"and when Sam finished saying that he jumped in and splashed everyone making them laugh.

It was 20 minutes they have been playing and they are not close to being done playing.They then heard a car noise and knew it was Ponk that just came home from work "I will tell mommy that we are in the pool"Hannah said climbing out and running that way to the car Fran then went with her for security just incase.

Ponk was wearing this⬇️

Ponk was wearing this⬇️

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Yes but it was thin fabric ok

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Yes but it was thin fabric ok.

Ponk walked up to everyone in the pool"well hello family"Ponk greeted 
"Hi" "hello" "Hola" everyone greeted "mum come swim with us"Tommy said patting the water "I'm good thanks" just then boomer and Goerge were trying to push there him in to the water "HELLPPP USS"
goerge yelled recieving help from Tommy and Quakity,Hannah was laughing at the stairs of the pool sitting with Fran "DAD HELP"Tommy yelled Sam came behind Ponk and picked him up and carried him to the side of the pool"PUT ME DOWN"Ponk yelled,Sam smirked "ok if you say so"with that he dropped Ponk into the pool all the kids ran and jumped in with Sam doing the same ponk came to the top and swam to the side of the pool everyone was laughing "I had my phone in my pocket"Ponk said looking at Sam with a 'i will kill you' look, "it's fine your phone is waterproof"Sam said laying on his back in the pool with his ears underwater "Hannah climb on your father" Hannah smiled when she heard that and did it in 5 second's,Hannah was now on top of her father and he was sinking slowly as he got fully underwater he swam straight down and to where Ponk was climbing out at the deep end Hannah was laughing at that and the kids were also laughing "mommy look out"Hannah said laughing in-between, Ponk looked over his shoulder just to be grabbed by Sam,Sam's arms were hooked underneath ponk's arm's on his waist and was lifted up and thrown backwards into the water all the kids were laughing as ponk and Sam were play fighting in the water and it ended as soon as Sam gave Ponk a kiss "eww get a room"Tommy and boomer said at the same time,"can we have some roasted marshmallows"Hannah asked knowing that there we packets of marshmallows in the pantry,Sam was still holding on to ponk "oh that sounds great"Ponk said looking at Hannah

Ponk walked up to everyone in the pool"well hello family"Ponk greeted  "Hi" "hello" "Hola" everyone greeted "mum come swim with us"Tommy said patting the water "I'm good thanks" just then boomer and Goerge were trying to push there him in to the w...

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This is how Sam was holding Ponk btw I had to draw that in 1 minute I was in a rush and yes I do draw art.

Everyone was around the fire having roasted marshmallows with chocolate and biscuits as they finished they all went and cleaned up and headed to bed

"Hey Ponky?"
"Yes Sammy?"
"When can we have a blood related child?"
"Pon-"gets thrown with pillow.

I'm so sorry I had to but I hope you are enjoying my book bye for now little Raven's

Word count 1012

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