Season 4 Chapter 7: Femme Fatale Pt. 2

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Another mundane weekend comes around upon ESU, and after the Manfredi gang slowly dissolves and separates from the loss of both of their leaders, many of New York's underground crime lords slowly make their move to see who could reach the top and fill in the huge gap of power. But while that is happening...

"...Man..." Peter sighed while reclining on his chair and staring at the window, lost in his thoughts after that fateful night of that look Black Cat gave him is seared into his memory . 'Well, another sore moment to be hated in the secret life of Spider-man. That's one ally out, but... it does not seem so bad... right?'


"Yo bro! What's up man?!" Johnny screams and greets by the door banged open, drenched in his sweaty jersey and shorts after his morning jog around campus, making the atmosphere in the empty room somewhat awkward. "Uhmmm, ahem, yo Pete, how are you doing?"

"Oh, hey Johnny. Nothing much. Just... had a lot of stuff in my head and I need to be alone for now," Peter replied before preparing a set of clean clothes with a towel and entering the bathroom. "Well, I'm gonna take a shower. Gotta go visit Doc Connors later."

"Uhmmm, sure?" Johnny confusedly replied, shrugging his shoulders before  popping and chugging on a bottle of flavored water.

As Peter enters the bathroom in his birthday suit, he turns on the shower head's water to drown himself in his thoughts, feeling his mind twist and turn from the same disappointed face Black Cat made the second time involving her father.

'Cat... I'm sorry... I truly am...' Peter muttered as he closed his eyes and felt the shower in his face. 'I gotta find a way to make things right— I must...!'

In an apartment just a few blocks away from ESU, where the hardworking law student Felicia currently stays...

'Curse you, Spider-man... curse... you...' Felicia murmured in her long sleep, saddened with dried tears from that time she was close to releasing her father from jail before Spider-man came in once again and disrupted her plans.

A minute later, her cell phone rings again with the same anonymous number that had belonged to her shady duo of clients, getting her phone to answer the call.

"...What do you want...?" Felicia groaned.

'Just one last task, and I promise you your reward: the doctor left some notes in his former workplace at the Empire State University's laboratory. Collect the data fast by midnight, and then come to Tricorp,' Roderick called while using a voice-disguiser. 'Oh, and moreover, because of certain reports, we would like for you to collect the research data that are under the name Stegron. They will be of great use for us.'

"...Whatever you say..." Felicia groaned before ending the call abruptly, barely motivated after feeling heartbroken once more, "Ughhhh, this is just the worst..."

After the short shower and putting on his uncle's jacket over his red shirt and a pair of jeans, he gets his stuff in his satchel and wears his rubber sneakers before heading out of the dormitory to the ESU lab. However, he pauses in his tracks just outside the laboratory entrance when he noticed a few shady black vehicles parked and lined up near the subway station that's close to the ESU lab, with men and women in uniformed shady military suits and shades standing by outside the entrance like some ominous organization.

'Whoa, now just what is going on? Who are those people?' Peter thought to himself, being vigilant around the strangers while slowly making his way to the lab's entrance.

"Hey kid, this place is off limits for now. Please come back again later," one of the male guards ordered.

"Oh, okay then," Peter shrugged, following the man's orders and walking away till he was out of their sight before running to the back door of the lab, only to be disappointed when the door was clicked to be locked and leaned onto the wall. "Rats, now I can't get in."

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