Chapter 5: Second Chances

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"Iceman, help me! Whooaaaa!" Spider-man cries, being swung around like a ragdoll.

"No one! No one can stop, the Juggernaut!" says a humongous and muscular helmed brute wearing crimson-colored metal arm braces and a huge sized crimson sleeveless spandex suit and boots, going by the name of Juggernaut, as he swings and slams Spider-man like a baby destroying a toy figure.

"Hand him over, Juggernaut!" Iceman orders, firing ice beams at the Juggernaut while dodging his attacks and his swinging Spider-man around him.

On some strange weekend after hanging out, the three young heroes stumbled upon an adversary on their way around the city, amazingly able to withstand his own against their strong abilities. But luckily, Iceman and Shadowcat have crossed paths with the villain, but not Spider-man, unfortunately...

"Guys!" Spider-man cried while squirming and trying to break free from Juggernaut's grip on his foot.

While Juggernaut's distracted, Shadowcat dives and phases into the pavement and then quickly phases out of the ground like a whack-a-mole underneath Juggernaut, helping Spider-man phase out of Juggernaut's hand and catch the maroon brute off his guard.

"Whew! Thanks Shadowcat," Spider-man thanked, getting back up on his feet. "Remind me to not kick that guy in the face again."

"Piece of cake," Shadowcat replied with a wink.

"Look alive guys, fight's not over yet!" Iceman warns.

"I'm gonna turn you all into a smashed cocktail!" Juggernaut roars, rushing his head toward them like a human battering ram before slamming his hands to shake and quake the ground.

"...Iceman, I got a plan, but you might not like it," Spider-man suggested, whispering his plan to Iceman and receiving a nod as an answer.

As Juggernaut was almost about to close in on the three of them, Iceman quickly shoots his ice beam and freezes the cracking pavement, causing him to slip and allowing Spider-man to web his feet. The three of them ride atop a stream of ice while dragging him along  around the city with Spider-man giving them a short tour and showing them detours.

"C'mon, big boy, let's take a long stroll, around Manhattan!" Spider-man quipped while dragging Juggernaut lying on his back with his webs on his feet, sliding along Iceman's stream of ice with Shadowcat beside him.

"Grrgh! No one! No one can stop—!"

"Quiet Juggy, or else mama's gonna have to "discipline" you," Spider-man jokes. "Go left!"

The three heroes try to bring the squirming giant out of the streets and buildings to keep him out of harm's way and drag him to the nearest pier. From there, Spider-man slings Juggernaut into the water with his Spider strength, where he easily sinks to the bottom.

"Iceman, now!" Spider-man calls.

Now, Iceman immediately pours in all of his mental strength freezing a large portion of the pier with his ice beam, freezing the waters and encasing the drowning Juggernaut in a huge block of ice.

"Whew! That took longer than usual!" Iceman pants from exhaustion that he couldn't maintain his translucent ice form.

"Yeah, I know! It's much harder without the others," Shadowcat adds.

"Ughh, man, you guys sure have it tough yourselves," Spider-man groaned, caressing his aching neck after the beating Juggernaut gave him. "I wonder if I should come to school or just make an excuse to rest for another day."

As the police were about to arrive, Spider-man was tapped on the shoulder by Shadowcat with an urgent suggestion.

"Spidey, I think you should let us deal with the problem here. We'll call on some of our friends back home," Shadowcat suggested. "This big fellow is difficult to handle, but not for us."

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