Chapter 25: A Celebration is in Order

Start from the beginning

"Why should they tell me who I can be with?" Oriana grumbled.

"It's not just about you and him. You are the ruler of Barough. If it looks like you are trying to make a stand against Medeis, they will crush you. They have done it in the past. Remember the story of Draxel?" Celsy reminded her.

"Yes, I remember. They tried to rebel against Medeis's laws. They said they were going to do things their way. So Medeis designated them a lawless mage zone. That is, any mage activity in the kingdom was legal, regardless of the circumstances. That night, the capital city was hit with an Ultima level magic spell. One that turned the entire city and its people to dust, including the royal family. That was three hundred years ago."

Celsy nodded "We cannot let the same fate fall on Barough. Especially with the Alvisio family and the Blood Prince running Medeis. No doubt they would unleash Maximus Alvisio upon us if they found out."

"I am not afraid of him. If they send him, I will be civil and polite. No doubt, after a great meal and polite conversation, he'd leave us be." Oriana exclaimed.

"What about Prince Tyir?" Celsy asked.

Oriana nodded before saying, "Tyir and Winter Haven were behind everything. Including the murder of my father."

Celsy gasped after hearing that. "Are you sure of this?" She asked.

Donovan then interrupted, "I think once you hear the story, you won't want to hear about him again! Oriana and I are in love. She is my woman, and that is the end of it. If you're going to support us, then just do it." Donovan told Celsy.

"Well said, Donovan. Please, Celsy, do me a favor and get Killian. Let's meet up in half an hour in our family dining room. I will explain everything that has happened in the past few days over breakfast. Then we can decide what to do." Oriana told Celsy.

With a nod, Celsy hurried out of the room. She would make sure word got out that Oriana was safe. Once breakfast was ready, Celsy, Donovan, and Oriana would meet up.

Oriana explained to Killian and Celsy everything that had transpired during her stay in Winter Haven while they had breakfast while Donovan inhaled his breakfast. While they ate, they explained that Winter Haven was responsible for killing her father. 

"While they are reeling from Agnodice's assault, we should strike them with everything we have for doing such a thing!" Killian shouted as he slammed his hand down on the table.

However, Donovan stopped eating for a second to speak. "That won't be necessary,"

Looking at the mage, Killian raised an eyebrow "Oh really? So, you think they should go unpunished?"

Shaking his head, Donovan replied, "No, they will be punished by Medeis. I have already sent a letter, and the Agnodice is most likely already talking to the Council of Saints. Winter Haven has been supporting not just the cult of Beelzebub, but they have also been backing the pirates of the Torexe islands. Recently, the pirates have been causing a problem for Medeis's shipments. Medeis suspected the pirates had a new backer. Now that Medeis knows it's Winter Haven, they will be seen as directly backing a source that has attacked Medeis's vessels."

Killian followed up with "Meaning?"

Donovan smiled and replied, "This is no longer considered just a matter between kingdoms. Winter Haven is fair game for Medeis, including the Imperium. They will most likely surrender their royal family to Medeis if they haven't already gone into hiding."

Killian crossed his arms and nodded, "A fitting end to those scum, if you ask me. I hope they send the Blood Prince himself to finish them off."

Smirking, Donovan nodded, "Me too." Killian stood up and straightened out his clothing.

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