Help - Razor part 1

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Fanfic in which Razor gets sick and the reader helps him get better. Skip to part 2 if you're only here for the fluff and not the story building.

Wolves' howls echoed across the sky and bounced from trees and rocks from Wolvendom. They reached Mondstadt every night, carrying on well into the dawn sometimes. Nobody had spotted any wolves, but it was beginning to concern the citizens of Mondstadt and the smaller villages around Wolvendom. It didn't take long before several orders and requests were made to the Knights of Favonius to investigate the problem. The wolves had always kept to themselves, howling serenades only loud enough to be heard close to Wolvendom. These howls were much different.

One night you stayed up late, listening to them. They were cries of pain. It wasn't the usual call and reply you'd heard on your trips to and near the place, no. These were different. The howls were shrill and reverberated harshly through the throats that bellowed them out. It made your hair stand on end. It was sending a clear message that something was wrong - very wrong.

It didn't take long for Jean to call a meeting and figure out who to send to Wolvendom.

"Kaeya," Jean said, looking over her desk at a map of Wolvendom. "I originally thought of sending you and Klee, since you two are familiar with the boy who lives in Wolvendom named Razor..."

You heart skipped a beat. Clearly, he would be the key to getting into Wolvendom. He would be your only safe passage, especially with the wolves so worked up.

Jean sighed, clearly weighing her options aloud. "However... This is going to be a very sensitive matter and I can't have Klee in danger. Not to mention her... specific set of skills may be a bit much for the wolves."

Kaeya nodded his agreement.

"My next option is you, Y/N."

You were a little surprised, but it made sense. You had the most neutral ground with Wolvendom. Not to mention, you'd also passed through there more recently than Kaeya had, and you felt that you and Razor were beginning to build some trust the more he ran into you.

He was mysterious, no doubt. A little direct at times, but in a way that you felt was genuine. He just said what was on his mind and didn't hold back. If you asked him something, he would answer. Razor was always curious about your world, and how things were outside of Wolvendom. He had often guided you through Wolvendom too, showing you shortcuts and places to avoid. He was a little blunt, but he was really a kind person. Razor just didn't show it like a ray of sunshine. You'd grown to appreciate that, and you couldn't deny it. It would be a lie to say you weren't looking forward to helping Razor soothe the wolves.

If you could that is. And if he'd let you.

The wolves were his family and he would protect them, no matter what. You couldn't blame him for that. You also felt like he protected you from them sometimes. Saying which wolves didn't appreciate human travelers passing through and to avoid their usual routes. He knew which ones to help you avoid, for their sake and yours.

"Y/N has formed a bond with Razor lately. I think I'd like to send them in, alone to start with. I would like you to consider this a scouting mission and to return for backup immediately if that's what is needed. I have a feeling the wolves will be a force to be reckoned with." Jean finished.

"Alright. I'll do it."

Jean nodded. "Thank you. I'm sure if we don't do something soon, the citizens will gather a hunting party to take care of the wolves themselves. We all know that won't end pretty."

The Knights helped you pack some things and then they sent you on your way. It was chilly out, and the wind blew harshly around you, swirling wolf howls across the landscape. It was eerie to listen to.

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