Chapter 18: The Show

Start from the beginning

Donovan looked away and said, "I am the one who is supposed to be taking care of you. Not the other way around."

Oriana shook her head, still holding onto his arm. "No, Donovan, we take care of each other. That is what lovers, I mean friends, do." Oriana bit her lip. She felt so embarrassed at the slip-up. She was acting like a kid with a crush.

Donovan, oddly enough, ignored her statement. It was almost as if it made him feel uncomfortable. Oriana was surprised; he let it go without a quip of some sort. She was trying to think of something to say when she heard a weird sound coming from outside the door. Looking out the door, Oriana could see a group of ushers. They were trying to move a couch down the hallway that led to their viewing room. Donovan moved from Oriana's side for the first time. Oriana instantly felt cold and alone without him there. He walked down the hall and grabbed the couch from the men. Then he moved it down the hallway himself and into the room.

The usher came to Oriana and bowed. He was breathing a bit heavily and sweating from trying to move the couch so quickly. "Princess, the food will be here soon," he replied.

Smiling, Oriana said, "Thank you for your help. I really do appreciate all the effort you put in." before she fished out a few gold coins for him.

The usher looked at Oriana and turned rather red from both her beauty and compliments combined. "Th-thank you, my princess!" The usher stuttered before giving another bow and walking off.

Oriana and Donovan returned to the viewing room. Donovan quickly sat down on the couch to get comfortable. Oriana just looked at Donovan on the couch for a moment. He wasn't even looking at her. He had even moved the couch a bit away from the chair. So they wouldn't be close. Oriana just closed her eyes and thought back to the carriage. How gentle he was, how open he was. He had been bold, showing no hesitation. It was time for her to show him the same determination.

Oriana opened her eyes and walked right past her chair. She planted herself right on Donovan's lap and rested her back against his chest before letting out a sigh. "I know this is a lot, but I really appreciate you being here with me," Oriana said.

Donovan would, however, answer with his hands. That was when a surprised squeak left her lips. Donovan had brought his hands to her bountiful chest and grabbed her. Oriana protested. "Donovan! It is rude to grab a woman without her permission!" She didn't try to move his hands away while the man continued to squeeze her. Instead, she just blushed, her breath starting to pick up again.

It seemed like a smile was back on Donovan's face as she leaned back to look at him. "Oh? How about when you grabbed my member in the carriage? I think it was a couple of times. So, it's okay for a lady to do so and not a man?" Donovan teased.

"No, that was... Ah! Different Do-NA! Van! It was... Oh Gods! Different!" Oriana squealed as Donovan played with her.

But before he could go any further, a knock came at the door. "Food!" the usher shouted from the other side of the door. Oriana had to quickly move off his lap and onto her chair. The princess's face beat red, her breath heavy.

After taking a moment to adjust the front of her dress, she called out, "Come in!" The door opened wide, and ushers came into the room. A table was placed before them. Then plates of food quickly dispersed onto it. Donovan didn't waste a second of time digging in.

One of the ushers noticed Oriana's heavy breathing and said, "Are you okay, Princess?"

Oriana pulled herself together and lied on the spot: "I'm alright, thank you. I got a bit too excited about tonight's entertainment. Please leave us for the rest of the evening unless called" 

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